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Moscheles relates of that evening: "Horace Vernet entertained us with his ventriloquizing powers, M. Salmon with his imitation of a horn, and Dugazon actually with a mirliton solo. Lafont and I represented the classical music, which, after all, held its own."

"He has asked that he be permitted to exhibit at the Trocadero the cartoons that he has finished: The Artist's Mission, Hydropathy the Civilizer, I don't know what in fact, a series of symbolical compositions " "With the mirliton device underneath? Yes, I know," said Marianne. She snapped her fingers in her impatience.

Bruant, with the manners, the courteous dignity, of a prince, led our Mademoiselle Miss back to us, ordered bocks for her, for me the only other woman at our table and for himself, touched his with his lips, bowed, was gone and singing again before we could show that we had not yet learned to drain our glasses in the fashion approved of at the Mirliton.

We had the sense to know that, as we had come to the Mirliton of our own free will, we had no more right to quarrel with its rules than to refuse to show our press ticket at the Salon turnstile, or to give up our umbrellas at the door of the Louvre, or to question the regulations of any other place in Paris we chose to go to.

Sometimes Malcourt whistled to himself, sometimes he sang in a variably agreeable voice, and now and then he quoted the poets, taking pleasure in the precision of his own diction. "C'est le jour des morts, Mirliton, Mirlitaine! Requiescant in pace!" he chanted; and quoted more of the same bard with a grimace, adding, as he spurred his horse: "Poeta nascitur, non fit! the poet's nasty and not fit.

The most interesting of their performances, which I attended merely as a listener, was a vocal quartet by Cherubini, performed under his direction. On the 27th of March this "mirliton" concert was repeated at Ciceri's, and on this occasion Cherubini took an active part.

Miralabi suslababo Mirliton ribonribette Surlababi mirlababo Mirliton ribonribo. This was sung in a cellar or in a nook of the forest while cutting a man's throat. A serious symptom. In the eighteenth century, the ancient melancholy of the dejected classes vanishes. They began to laugh. They rally the grand meg and the grand dab. Given Louis XV. they call the King of France "le Marquis de Pantin."

The appearance in Madame Novikoff's rooms of a certain Scotch bishop invariably drove him out of them, "Peter Paul, Bishop of Claridge's," he called him. His allusions to Mirliton and to the Bishop frequently mystified Madame Novikoff's guests. For he loved to talk in cypher.