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"Two cents?" he sneered. "Naw! Won't sell any for less 'n a nickel." A gaunt, anaemic southerner, who was with the party of idlers, spoke up. "Yeah, boy. What's the matter?" Silvey turned ruefully. "Ain't got money enough to buy some minnies," he explained.

The old ladies are as dear as ever; if I am not wholly spoilt, it will not be their fault, bless their kind hearts! The niece is better, I think. Good-bye, old man! write again soon, and tell me more about Amaryllis. How pretty the classical names are: Chloe, Lalage, Diana, Vesta. I was brought up on Fannies and Minnies and Lotties, with Eliza for a change. Horrible name, Eliza!

The Minnies and Pearls and jewels and jennies would gather round her like courtiers, bearing wispy frailties of Georgette crepe, delicate chiffon to echo her cheeks in faint pastel, milky lace to rest in pale disarray against her neck damask was used but to cover priests and divans in these days, and cloth of Samarand was remembered only by the romantic poets.

Readers, however, with experience of trench warfare will remember that in the line by day it was impossible to surmise correctly one item of what was happening a hundred yards away in hostile trenches; certainly one knew well enough when shells were falling, and 'minnies, rifle-grenades and snipers' bullets argued that a pernicious, almost verminous, form of life was extant not far away: but despite all this, stared a sentry never so vigilantly, through his periscope he could hardly predict whether two, ten, or a hundred of the enemy tribe were hidden below earth almost within a stone's throw.

"Jiminy," he whispered, "that all you could find?" His chum nodded. "Maybe there's old worms or minnies from yesterday left on the pier. Or we can cut up the first fish for perch bait. Come on! Beat you over the tracks." They scaled the wire fence which barricaded the embankment, and cut across the long parallel lines of rails like frisky colts.

Filming Within Forty-five Yards of the German Trenches Watching for "Minnies" Officers' Quarters "Something" Begins to Happen An Early Morning Bombardment Develops Into the Battle of St. Eloi Which I Film from Our First-Line Trench And Obtain a Fine Picture. A bombardment was to take place. A rather vague statement, and a common enough occurrence; but not so this one.

It did our hearts good to hear those monster thirteen hundred and fifty pound "babies" coming over our heads with a "woosh" and landing in the lines across the way, on Hill 60, where they left marks like mine craters. We could put up with quite a lot just to see that, and although we were suffering considerably from the rifle grenades and the "Minnies," every one appeared to be in a good humor.

Apr. 16. brite and fair. i put some minnies in the geese pond today. it was after church and i got them yesterday. they wood have dide in the tin pail, so it wasent rong to put them in Sunday. tomorow we are going down to get the geese eggs.

"That's just the way I feel about it," said the sheriff. "If I'd athought there was any call for him I wouldn't have let him go fishing, I'd have kept him about." "Oh, let the nigger fish he has powerful luck. What's he usin', Sheriff; worms or minnies?" "Worms," said the sheriff shortly. Presently the crowd drifted away in the direction of the tavern. Hannibal meantime had gone down to the river.

He has been dropping his pellets into my show all day, and Fritz has been splashing me with his 'Minnies' to try and find my gun, but he will never get it. Just look at the mess around." I was looking. It would have beaten the finest Indian scout to try and distinguish the trench from the débris and honeycomb of shell-holes. "Where the deuce is your outfit?" I said, looking round.