United States or Antigua and Barbuda ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

William Windom, of Minn., was Secretary of the Treasury; E.T. Lincoln, of Ill., Secretary of War; Wayne MacVeagh, of Pa., Attorney-General; T.L. James, of N.Y., Postmaster-General; W.H. Hunt, of La., Secretary of the Navy; S.J. Kirkwood, of Ia., Secretary of the Interior. The death of the President emphasized the need of a presidential succession law.

Paul, Minn.: "For the last ten years your name has been familiar to me through the newspapers, or rather through newspaper ridicule, and has always been associated with what was pretentious and wholly unamiable. Your lecture tonight has been a revelation to me. I wanted to come and touch your hand, but I felt too guilty. Henceforth I am the avowed defender of woman suffrage.

When I look back, I remember you were the only playmate I ever had, the closest and best companion of my wayward girlhood; and I feel that I have always loved you, always respected you, and, Minny, I always shall. I am certain, Minn, that though there may be black blood circling round it, there never was a purer heart, a nobler soul, than yours.

"You may be, one of these days, Miss." "How so, Minn? What do you mean?" "Disinherited." "Oh, no! that will never be, I am certain." "But you'd not be unhappy if it should happen?" "Only for Bernard." "I am very happy to hear this." "Dear Minnie, you have so many foolish fears!" "It is better to think of these things." "True enough. Good night, Minn!" "Good night.

Eight souls had gotten saved and the attendance was increasing. All of a sudden, as I was closing the service, the Spirit of the Lord said to me, "This is your last service here. You will leave in the morning on the 4 o'clock train for Grand Meadows, Minn." Saint and sinner alike, said, "You can't close now; look at the manifest interest and the growing attendance!"

Won't you take your things off in the room at the head of the stairs?" Said Griffin: "Mighty glad to meet you, Ericson. Ray told me you'd make a ripping sprinter. The captain of the track team 'll be on the lookout for you when you get to Plato. Course you're going to go there. The U. of Minn. is too big.... You'll do something for old Plato. Wish I could.

In the year 1816 United States garrisons were sent to Green Bay and Prairie du Chien. In 1814 the United States provided for locating government trading posts at these two places. Amer. Hist. XIII., 269; Franchere, Narrative; Ross, Adventures of the First Settlers on the Oregon, or Columbia River ; Wis. Hist. Colls., I., 103; Minn. Hist. Colls., V., 9. Pioneer Colls., XVI., 76 ff.

"John," I called, "is that you?" "Yes, Minn," he answered, quietly enough, I admit. "What are you doing there?" I asked. "Looking for something to eat," he said. "John," I said, "you are forgetting what is due to me as your wife. You were fed at six. Go back." He went. But yet I felt more and more that his love must be dwindling to make him act as he did.

"Yes. Who was your father, Minny?" Minny's cheek lost it's flush, and became pale as death. "I cannot tell you, Miss." "But you know." Minny made no answer, but her hands shook violently, and the braids she had just fastened fell loose again from her trembling fingers. "What ails you, Minn? why don't you answer me?" said Della, looking up earnestly at Minny, in the glass.

Firing at you a volley of figures concerning the weight of a lineal foot of bar-iron 5 x 2 3/4 inches, and the average annual rainfall at Fort Snelling, Minn., he would transfix with his fork the best piece of chicken on the dish while you were trying to rally sufficiently to ask him weakly why does a hen cross the road.