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Monsieur le Ministre What a misfortune Monsieur Collard If there were no eminent men like Your Excellency to replace him! Vaudrey bowed without replying. "What is the name of that gentleman?" said he as soon as he entered his cabinet, to the usher who followed him. "I always find him, but I cannot recognize him." "He! Monsieur le Ministre? Why, that is, Monsieur Eugène!" "Ah! very good!

He greeted Rosas with somewhat frigid politeness and from the tone in which Marianne began to speak to him, he at once realized that she had some interest in allowing the Spaniard to surmise nothing. She unduly emphasized the title by which she addressed him, repeating a little too frequently: "Monsieur le Ministre."

They had waited for daylight in order to organise a battue and hunt him down like some animal, whose weariness must necessarily ensure capture. And so, from one moment to another, he would be caught. "I know the great interest you take in the arrest, Monsieur le Ministre," added Gascogne, "and it occurred to me to ask your orders. Detective Mondesir is over there, directing the hunt.

I ought to have been gratified by her observing, that a lady is never to be met with in England, as formerly in France, at the Bureau du Ministre; and that in England there has never been any example of a woman's having known in public affairs, or at least told, what ought to have been kept secret.

I will not act traitorously toward you, but I warn you that if I often find your wife melancholy, as she is to-day, I will tell her that I adore her. Yes! yes! your wife is charming. I would give all the orders in the world for a lock of her hair. Adieu, Monsieur le Ministre." "Great idiot," said Vaudrey, giving him a little friendly, gentle tap on the neck.

Respecting the Terms of Lease of Port Arthur and Dalny and the Terms of South Manchurian and Antung-Mukden Railways. Peking, the 25th day of the 5th month of the 4th year of the Republic of China. Monsieur le Ministre,

We have no business here, you know, except statesmanship, the trade in voters, le métier de ministre. You see a man; tell me how much he owns: I can tell you his election price. The schedule is simply: How much taxes does he pay? Pay my taxes; I vote your side. There lies the only shame of my Scotch blood that they have never devised a commerce so obvious.

"I dare say an honest politician, like yourself, is aware that in France it is always safe to ignore the conspirator who has no money, and always dangerous to treat with contempt him who jingles a purse. There is only a certain amount of money in the world, Monsieur le Ministre, and we bankers usually know where it is. I do not mean the money that the world pours into its own stomach.

"Un tel qu'on vantait Par hasard etait D'origine assez minoe; Par hasard il plut, Par hasard il fut Baron, ministre, et prince." Captain Clubbe's harsh voice broke into the song with the order to let go the anchor. As the ship swung to the tide the steersman, who wore neither coat nor waistcoat, could be seen idly handling the wheel still, though his duties were necessarily at an end.

L'Ambassadeur en Angleterre au Ministre des Affaires Etrangères. Londres, le 17/30 Juillet 1914.