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These satisfied me. He indicated the scattered articles upon the table. Jim made no demonstration; he sat with his eyes fixed upon the miniature, still dazed by the blow. There was something in his had something he wished to know, but his ideas were all out of control. The thought centred with a shock. 'Good God, no! he cried, clutching Ryder with a nerveless hand. 'They hanged my brother!

Above these ports handsome rods of polished brass, with ornamented ends, were screwed to the panelling, and from these rods depended miniature curtains of crimson velvet, fringed with bullion, which could be drawn when necessary to exclude the too ardent rays of the sun.

'At the same time I know a little fir-plantation about a mile square not far from Markton, said De Stancy, 'which is precisely like this in miniature, stems, colours, slopes, winds, and all. If we were to go there any time with a highly magnifying pair of spectacles it would look as fine as this and save a deal of travelling. 'I know the place, and I agree with you, said Paula.

They pass through a gateway into a court in which are great trees, shrubbery, fish-ponds spanned by marble bridges, covered walks, beautiful rockeries, wisteria vines laden with long clusters of blossoms, summer-houses, miniature mountains, and flowers of all kinds a dream of beauty and loveliness. After returning to the house another cup of tea is served, and the guest rises to leave.

But, if you will look at this gauge, for instance, and then at any of these dainty and delicate machines upon the benches, miniature lathes of steel, and contrivances which combine the skill of innumerable exquisite fingers upon single points, you will feel at once, that, when the machinery itself is so almost poetic and sensitive, the result of its work must be correspondingly perfect.

So Julian told her much of the events of those months which he spent in England by the side of Wolfe, and at last he drew forth the double miniature containing the likeness of the two who loved the hero so well, and gave it to Corinne to look at. The tears came into her eyes as she gazed at the two faces.

After the first full and unreserved interchange of our souls' best feelings, our conversation turned upon lighter topics; and I took an opportunity to produce the fruit of my application since we had parted. Never shall I forget the surprise and delight that animated her beautiful countenance when first she gazed upon the miniature.

'The Chevalier said, he would have written, madam, if he had had pen and ink, and was going to have sent a very long message, when the sentinel entered the room, but not before he had give me this. Ludovico then drew forth a miniature from his bosom, which Emily received with a trembling hand, and perceived to be a portrait of herself the very picture, which her mother had lost so strangely in the fishing-house at La Vallee.

To take a concrete instance, a doll is the plaything usually given to little girls. At first sight nothing can appear more charming or instructive than the gift to a little girl, who will one day be a wife and a mother, of the miniature representation of a baby. There will be a bath provided, in which she may learn to wash it. Everything will be complete soap, sponge, loofah, puff-box, and powder.

From his earliest years his conduct was often a source of vexation to his brother and his family. Westphalia will not soon forget that he was her King; and his subjects did not without reason surname him "Heliogabalus in miniature." The First Consul was harassed by the continual demands for money made on him by his brothers.