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The inhabitants of Miniana eat their enemies, and strangers, if they die in the country. They eat the flesh of horses; but such is their veneration for the cow that she is never killed; when she dies, they eat the flesh. Miniana is hilly; all the grains are cultivated the same as in Bambarra. Route from Sego to Badoo. From Sego in one day.

The whole of the foregoing places are in Bambarra. Totti, a town in Baedoo. Baedoo, the capital. The Julis are people who understand the language of Baedoo and Miniana, and are employed as interpreters and brokers by the salt merchants.

I have hired a guide to go with me to Kashna; he is a native of Kasson, but one of the greatest travellers in this part of Africa, having visited Miniana, Kong, Baedoo, Gotto, and Cape Corse Castle to the South, and Tombuctoo, Houssa, Nyffe, Kashna, and Bornou towards the East.

A fac-simile sketch of the course of the Niger, made by an old Somonie, who had been seven times at Tombuctoo, and is now going the eighth. Ba Nimma rises in the Kong mountains South of Marraboo; it passes one day's journey South of Sego; and having received a branch from Miniana, empties itself into the lake Dibbie. It is not quite half so large as the Niger.

I have not the least doubt of the truth of this, having heard it from so many people. We shall not see Jinnie in going to Tombuctoo. Route from Sego to Miniana. From Sego in one day, Deena, across the Ba Nimma in canoes, and halt on the south side; thence in one day, Dahmaroo, Sijirri, Neaguana, Mullo Soo, Billi Soo; In all seven days.