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"I needed to learn as much as I could about them, as quickly as possible, and Gaelan DarShona, who had sworn personal fealty to Baron Klaes, agreed to a mind-probe. You know about those?" "I have heard of them," Corina said. "An artificial form of telepathy the Order considers repugnant." "Close enough.

The mind-probe of Gaelan, giving her a new insight into the small warriors, and added respect for their integrity and ability. Glimpses of many planets, from space and surface. That one spotting of a huge white ship that disappeared into hyperspace and couldn't be traced. The memory of his sorrow at Yasunon's death was enough to make Corina toss restlessly in bed.

There would probably be an attempt, though, to have her returned as a criminal, as the Sanctioner had threatened. Perhaps an hour passed before the intercom chimed. Dawson answered, and Corina overheard Captain Daley's report. "Just finished that mind-probe you asked for, Pat. He was trying to kill Losinj, all right. His orders came from Senior Valla; she told him Losinj was betraying the Order.

"I am not particularly concerned about the ones who arrested her," he continued. "They were obeying what they considered lawful orders from their Baron, on his world, so punishing them would be unjust. Entos, however, is guilty of attempted murder on Imperial territory. I have both eyewitness and mind-probe evidence, so there is no doubt of his guilt; he will be executed."

"How about some more information on this rebellion?" he asked, keeping his tone casual. "I have already told Major Dawson what I am certain about," Corina said quietly. "And the mind-probe of Entos confirmed all of it. But can you tell me why it's happening?" "Thark is convinced that the White Order can rule the Empire much more effectively than you unTalented humans have been doing.