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"Say," hissed Howard, bending down toward her and thrusting out his jaw, "lay off o' me, will yer?" "Lay off yourse'f!" retorted Florette under her breath. "If you wanna fight le's go back to the hotel where it's private." "I don' min' tellin' the world I bin stung!" roared Howard. Florette flushed up to the slightly darker roots of her too-blonde hair. "You?" she gasped furiously.

But I wud fain be what he wud hae me, jist as ye wud yersel. Sae ye maun tak me, what I am, for his sake, Steenie! This was the man's hour, not the dog's, yet Steenie threw himself at her feet. 'Gang oot a bit by yersel, Steenie, she said, caressing him with her hand. 'That's what ye'll like best, I ken! Ye needna min' me! I only cam to see ye sattlet intil yer ain hoose. I'll bide a gey bit.

However, I had the consolation of knowing that my apology was not made on his account, but entirely for the sake of my darling Min; although, I confess, I did not like to see her taking such an interest in him as to ask it of me.

DES TER BE WHITE! Don' min' dem black, black niggers dar don' think er DEM dey ain't wuth nothin' nor fitten fo' no fate but what dey got But me! What's done kep' me from gwine ter de top but dat one thing: I WASN'T WHITE! Hit air too late now too late fo' dem ambitions I done trifle with an' shove behin' me hit's too late fo' dat!

"And what's that?" entreated Annie, whose life seemed to hang upon his lips. "Jist this. Get a sicht o' the face o' God. It's my belief, an' a' the minnisters in creation'll no gar me alter my min', that no man can get a glimp' o' the face o' God but ane o' the chosen.

"And will my heart not be lacerated by the thorn of her displeasure? Allah min! Allah bir! The God of thousands is one only God! Great is His goodness and wonderful are His ways! What have I done that He hath guided the stream of my songs to the sea of beauty?"

Lawrence Croft was not a man to do himself a physical injury which might be permanent, if such doing could possibly be avoided, and he gave up the idea of trying to go into the house. "I tell you what it is, Letty," said Uncle Isham, when he returned to the kitchen after having carried Lawrence's supper to him, "dat ar Mister Croft in de offis is a gittin wuss an' wuss in he min', ebery day.

Old Shuffler, too, wobbled on, as he had wobbled on as far back as I could recollect, Min told me; and rolled his sound eye, and stared with his glass one, as glassily as then. I heard also that "Dicky Chips" was as frolicsome and light-hearted a bullfinch as when Min first had him, and had learnt several new tricks.

In execution of the plan of attack that had been agreed upon, the allied forces marched round Pekin to the northwest corner of the walls, having as their object the Summer Palace of the emperor at Yuen Min Yuen, not quite four miles distant from the city.

An' he suffers a hantle, forbye, in his puir feeble min tryin' to unnerstan' the guid things 'at fowk tells him, an' jaloosin' it's his ain wyte 'at he disna unnerstan' them better an' whiles he thinks himsel' the child o' sin and wrath, an' that Sawtan has some special propriety in him, as the carritchis says "