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"In freedom's UNDIVIDED DELL Where toil and health, with mellowed love shall dwell, Far from folly, far from men, In the rude romantic glen, Up the cliff, and through the glade, Wand'ring with the dear-loved maid, I shall listen to the lay, And ponder on thee far away." Mr. Coleridge had written a note to his Monody on Chatterton, in which he caustically referred to Dean Milles.

"Citizens, allow me to introduce to you my old friend, Citizen David Ritchie " "Milles diables!" cried the Citizen St. Gre, seizing me by the hand, "c'est mon cher ami, Monsieur Reetchie. Ver' happy you have this honor, Monsieur;" and snatching his wide-brimmed military cocked hat from his head he made me a smiling, sweeping bow. "What!" cried the General to me, "you know the Sieur de St.

D'Escalache au Danube il y a bien cent milles, et néanmoins, dans toute la longueur de cet espace, il n'existe d'autre forteresse ou lieu de quelque défense qu'un village et une maison que Cénaym-Bay a fait construire sur le penchant d'une montagne, avec une mosquée.

The Tremaie Representation of C. Marius, Martha, and Julia The Gaie The Teutons and Ambrons and Cimbri threaten Italy C. Marius sent against them His camp at S. Gabriel The canal he cut The barbarians cross the Rhone First brush with them They defile before him at Orgon The rout of the Ambrons at Les Milles He follows the Teutons The plain of Pourrieres Position of Marius The battle Slaughter of the Teutons Position of their camp Monument of Marius Venus Victrix Annual commemoration.

He must have an excellent taste! and gives me a woful opinion of my own trifles, when he likes them, and cannot see the beauties of a poet that ought to be ranked in the first line. I am more humbled by any applause in the present age, than by hosts of such critics as Dean Milles. Is not Garrick reckoned a tolerable actor?

Ils revenoient fort las; la nuit approchoit; il veut se reposer: on lui dit qu'il restoit quatres milles a faire "Oh," dit-il, "nous sommes quatres; ce n'est qu'un mille chacun."

He shows me those stiff-necked, over-hatted, wasp-waisted gentlemen, drinking Burgundy in the Cafe des Milles Colonnes or riding through the village of Newmarket upon their fat cobs or gambling at Crockford's. Grego's Green Room of the Opera House always delights me. The formal way in which Mdlle. Mercandotti is standing upon one leg for the pleasure of Lord Fife and Mr.

Lac des Milles Lacs, into which we soon entered, is a perfect labyrinth of lakes and islands. Here and there were expectant Indians come out to meet us in their frail bark canoes, and, paddling up alongside, they joined the cluster at our stern.

Bingham admits that the eucharistic sacrifice was offered for S. Augustine, S. Monica, the emperors Constantine and Valentinian at their funerals. "The custom of praying and offering up sacrifice for the faithful departed most evidently appears to have prevailed in the church even from the time of the apostles", says the Protestant bishop Milles, Opera S. Cyrilli. p. 297. Liturg. vol. 2, p. 94.

Thus, it is only on the spot that one sees how it was that Marius, striking from the chain of the Alpines, came up over against the Ambrons on the hill above Les Milles, and how he pursued his course thence. Plutarch, though he speaks of the two battles, does not distinguish the sites effectually. The Teutons, as already said, were making their way east from Aix.