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In the best known example at Los Millares there are remains of a semicircular façade in front of the entrance, as in many other megalithic monuments. Corridor-tomb at Los Millares, Spain. The finest, however, of all the Spanish monuments is the corridor-tomb of Antequera in Andalusia. It consists of a short passage leading into a long rectangular chamber roofed with four slabs.

Several stone objects which can scarcely have been anything but baetyls were found in the megalithic structures of Los Millares in Spain, but none are known elsewhere in the megalithic area. There is some reason for thinking that among the megalithic race there existed a cult of the axe.

DON PEDRO. Cien veces más, con el vizconde del Relámpago, un caballero andaluz, maestrante de la de Ronda ... con no cuántos millares de pinares, pegujares y lagares ... hombre muy bien nacido, y que yo.... DON PEDRO. Ven, hija mía, y nos dirás si.... DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Ah!

This savant, whose name has become well known in Paris, is printing at Las Palmas his 'Estudios Historicos, &c., the outcome of a life's labour. Don Agustin Millares is also publishing 'La Historia de las Islas Canarias, in three volumes, each of 400 to 450 pages. I made three short excursions in Grand Canary to Telde, to the Caldera, and to Doramas, which showed me the formation of the island.