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Far in advance of anything that Greece can offer, the intellectual history of India furnishes systems at once consistent and imposing systems not remaining useless speculations, but becoming inwoven in social life. Greek philosophy is considered as having originated with Thales, who, though of Phoenician descent, was born at Miletus, a Greek colony in Asia Minor, about B.C. 640.

The herald reported this state of things to Alyattes. Alyattes then gave up all hopes of reducing Miletus by famine, and made a permanent peace, binding himself to its stipulations by a very solemn treaty. To celebrate the event, too, he built two temples to Minerva instead of one.

He indeed laughed at those who said that the race of Herakles ought not to make wars by stratagem, saying, "Where the lion's skin will not protect us, we must sew the fox's skin to it." VIII. All this is borne out by what he is said to have done at Miletus.

"Give me your hand once more, you true son of Ajax; for you, my friends, I have still many an interesting piece of news untold. "The chariot-race, as I have just related, was won by Cimon who gave the olive-branch to Pisistratus. Four finer horses than his I never saw. Arkesilaus of Cyrene, Kleosthenes of Epidamnus, Aster of Sybaris, Hekataeus of Miletus and many more had also sent splendid teams.

In sharp contrast to all these barbarians stood the Hellenic settlements, which at the time of the mighty impetus given to Greek commerce had been founded chiefly by the efforts of Miletus on these coasts, partly as trading-marts, partly as stations for prosecuting important fisheries and even for agriculture, for which, as we have already said, the north-western shores of the Black Sea presented in antiquity conditions less unfavourable than at the present day.

A dispute arose as to whom the tripod should belong to. Several cities were ready to go to war about it. To prevent bloodshed the oracle of Apollo was applied to, and answered that it should be sent to the wisest man that could be found. It was at first sent to Thales of Miletus, a man famous for wisdom. But he decided that Bias of Priene was wiser than he, and sent it to him.

She would have liked to have had her as a wife for our son who manages the affairs of my house at Miletus, but the gods have ordained otherwise! Ah, how glad she would have been to see the wedding garland at Rhodopis' door!" "Is it the custom here to ornament a bride's house with flowers?" said Zopyrus. "Certainly," answered Theopompus.

He rose: he painted, as he had done to Cleomenes, in lively colours, the wealth of Asia, the effeminate habits of its people he described its armies fighting without spear or shield he invoked the valour of a nation already successful in war against hardy and heroic foes he appealed to old hereditary ties; the people of Miletus had been an Athenian colony should not the parent protect the child in the greatest of all blessings the right to liberty?

There were captious people who objected to her long and close association with Miletus Poppas. Her second husband, Ransome McChord, the foreign representative of the great McChord Harvester Company, whom she married in Germany, had so persistently objected to Poppas that she was eventually forced to choose between them. Any one who knew her well could easily understand why she chose Poppas.

Miletus lay on the southern shore of a deep bay the Sinus Latmicus which penetrated the western coast of Asia Minor in about Lat. 37º 30', but which the deposits of the Maeander have now filled up. North-west of the town, at the distance of about a mile, was the small island of Lade, now a mere hillock on the flat alluvial plain.