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You go to the door and open it; you see the herd drifting past with Mig trailing along on his horse black shadows, and then standing out clear in the lightning " "How the deuce " "I'll do that with 'lap dissolves' and double exposures. Lots of work that will be, and careful work, but the result will be why, Lord! It will be immense!

"Begob!" says O'Flynn, stretching out his interminable legs; "ye can't say we haven't hearrd Glad Tidings of gr-reat j'y " "Colonel," interrupts the Boy, throwing the Programme in the fire, "let's look at your nugget again." And they all took turns. Except Potts. He was busy digging the remaining gold-grains out of the crack and the knothole. " giver mig Rum! Himlen bar Stjerner Natten er stum."

The messenger had returned to his post at headquarters. The guard had withdrawn, leaving the three men alone. "So long, old man," said Billy. "If I'm goin' to be of any help to you and Mig the less I'm seen with you the better. I'll blow over and mix with the Dago bunch, an' practice sittin' on my heels.

"Now, what do you know about that, Mig?" he breathed softly behind a mouthful of smoke. "Wanting to rope him out a few from the Flying U bunch. Say! Have you got a real puncher amongst that outfit of long-haired hayseeds?" The Native Son shook his head negligently and gave Luck a velvet-eyed glance of friendly pity.

They were very solemn around the table that night, and though Mother knew there must be something the matter, she didn't ask any questions yet. However, Marmaduke kept reaching down into his pockets so often, to feel the lonely little marbles he had left, the one agate, and the croaker, and the little gray mig, and the clink of them sounded so weak and thin and lonesome that Father said,

"Mig will take you on down to the home ranch, and after supper I'll ride over. So long." He swung away from them upon a faintly beaten trail, looked back once to grin and wave his hand, and touched his horse with the spurs. Luck stared after him thoughtfully, but he did not put his thoughts into words. He had been trained in the hard school of pictures.

Chip squinted along a dully-glowing iron bar, laid it back upon the anvil and gave it another whack upon the side that still bulged a little. "Yes, and I'm going to saddle him myself and everything. And I want you to get me some jingling silver spurs like Mig has got, with chains that hang away down and rattle when you walk."

I guess we better tell 'em the how of it. Huh, Mig?" Miguel cast a slow, humorous glance over the four. "Ye-es they'll have us treed in about two minutes if we don't," he assented. "Go ahead." "Well," Andy lifted his head and shoulders that he might readjust a pillow to his liking, "we wanted him to make a getaway. Fact is, if he hadn't, we'd have been strictly up against it. Right!

If he hadn't how about it, Mig? I guess we'd have been to the Little Rockies ourselves." "You've got a sweet little voice," Irish cut in savagely, "but we're tired. We'd rather hear yuh say something!" "Oh all right. Well, Mig and I just ribbed up a josh on Dunk. I'd read somewhere about the same kinda deal, so it ain't original; I don't lay any claim to the idea at all; we just borrowed it.

"Say, ain't that Andy and Mig following along behind?" Cal asked after a minute of watching the approach. "Sure, it is. Now what " "They're drivin' 'em, by cripes!" Big Medicine, under the stress of the moment, returned to his usual bellowing tone. "Who's that tall, lanky feller in the lead? I don't call to mind ever seem him before. Them four herders I'd know a mile off." "That?"