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He came no nearer; he looked at their companion. "cos'e?" "Well, signori miei, if you must know, it's just a perfect crystal." "Of course we must know, per Dio!" said the Prince. But he turned away again he went back to his glass door. Charlotte set down the bowl; she was evidently taken. "Do you mean it's cut out of a single crystal?"

They walked up the last and steepest hill, or rather bounded along the well known side path, catching at the long trailing wreaths of the dogrose, peeping over the gates which broke the high hedge, where Marian, as she saw the moors, could only relieve her heart by pronouncing to herself those words of Manzoni's Lucia, "Vedo i miei monti."

"But," remarked the Procuratore, "if it is in your power to do that, why did you not give the necessary information to the Commissary of Police when you were, on several occasions, examined at St. Apollinare?" "Signori miei," said the old man, addressing himself to the court in general, "it is no affair of mine to meddle with the administration of human justice.

The second part began with Reissiger's overture, "Die Felsenmuhle;" Signor Belletti then sang the "Piff Paff," from Meyerbeer's "Huguenots;" Jenny Lind followed with the "Come per me sereno," from the "Sonnambula," for the first time in America; then Belletti with the "Miei rampolli," from Rossini's "Cenerentola;" and the concert ended with the "Dalecarlian Melody" and the "Mountaineer's Song," both for the first time, by Jenny Lind.

Gianbattista, very pale, but collected and steady, pushed the men gently away from the body. "Cari miei, my dear fellows," he said, "he may be alive. One of you run and get a carriage to the side door of the sacristy. The rest of you put the things together and be careful to leave nothing where it can fall. We will take him to Sor Marzio's house and get the best doctor."

"But ah, signorini miei, I am an infelice infelicissimo, ever persecuted by le Fate." "By whom? A count like Schlangenwald?" asked Ebbo. "Das Schicksal," whispered Friedel. "Three long miserable years did I spend as a captive among the Moors, having lost all, my ships and all I had, and being forced to row their galleys, gli scomunicati."

"I try to think otherwise, for I cannot bear to remember Adelaide Montresor as an unworthy woman; and when the unwelcome thought will thrust itself in, I think of her youth, her beauty, her genius, and the sudden blinding effect that rapid prosperity and brilliant success produce on an enthusiastic, warm temperament Good-morning; to-morrow let me come again, and we will go over 'Tancredi, and I will sing with you the 'Ah, se de' mali miei."

"Of course," assented the Signora Pandolfi, though she did not understand the allusion in the least. "Of course you are all of you right. But what a day this has been, cari miei! What a day! Dear, dear!" She spread out her fat hands upon her knees, looking the picture of solid contentment. My Beloved Wife The hall of the banquets was made ready for the feast in the palace of Babylon.

Garcia was Otello, I was Iago and when he rendered the phrase': here Pantaleone threw himself into an attitude and began singing in a hoarse and shaky, but still moving voice: "L'i ... ra daver ... so daver ... so il fato lo piu no ... no ... no ... non temero!" The theatre was all a-quiver, signori miei! though I too did not fall short, I too after him.

The words: 'Della quale debbo ragione a Dio solo ed ai miei popoli, were added by the King to the speech prepared by his ministers; it was noticed that he pronounced them with remarkable energy.