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By the sowl av' me mother, Hans, devil a foot does he put inside my door till he explains phwat he manes by it." "Shoost vat you mide expeg from a new chum!" replied Hans, who had lived in Australia. Then they both went back to their respective houses to await events. Now Packenham meant no harm, and had not the faintest idea he was giving offence. But then, as Denison said, he never would think.

I was aht lite last night. 'Were yer? 'Me an' 'Arry went ter see the ply. Oh, Liza, it's simply spiffin'! I've never see sich a good ply in my life. Lor'! Why, it mikes yer blood run cold: they 'ang a man on the stige; oh, it mide me creep all over!

It was a pitiful letter telling of poverty bitter and grinding, but redeemed from utter misery by a love and faith that shone from every line: My dearest polly i am glad you like your plice and your misses is so kind as wot you si, yur letters are my kumfit di an nit. bill is a ard man and says hif the money don't cum i will ave to go to the workus. but i no you will send it der polly so hi can old my little plice hi got a start todi a hoffcer past hi that it wos the workhus hoffcer. bill ses he told im to cum hif hi cant pi by septmbr but hi am trustin God der polly e asn't forgot us. hi 'm glad the poppies grew. ere's a disy hi am sendin yu hi can mike the butonoles yet. hi do sum hevry di mrs purdy gave me fourpence one di for sum i mide for her hi ad a cup of tee that di. hi am appy thinkin of yu der polly.

"Beg pardon, sir, but Miss Wright's mide says Miss Wright 'as not come in." "Not come in! What do you mean?" "She's not in her room, sir. The mide thinks she's not been in her room during the night." "What's that? What's that?" says he. "Curly, didn't you just now say she was here? Wasn't you up after I was?" "I seen her around midnight," says I "maybe later; I don't know.

Is this a round trip to see the beauties of Surrey, Mr. Moss, or do I return to my little cot after the ball is over? I'd like to know on account of taking my Court suit, if you don't mind." "Oh," says he, "you're ordered for ded o'clock, so I suppose id's the light fadastic toe, Britten. But mide you get your modey or I'll stop your salary, sure.

I can't afford a kerridge. But you'll look neat, on the seat Of a bicycle mide for two. She shouted out the tunes, beating time on the table, and her mother, grinning, with her thin, grey hair hanging dishevelled over her head, joined in with her weak, cracked voice 'Oh, dem golden kippers, oh! Then Liza grew more melancholy and broke into 'Auld Lang Syne'.

The Soul made the Upanishads, as it mide Paradise Lost; it made the former in the Golden Age, and the latter in this Age of Iron; the former through men gifted with superlative vision; the latter through a blind old bard. Therein lies the difference: all our bards, our very greatest, have been blind, Dante and Shakespeare, no less than Milton. How old?

"Hi beg your pardon, sir," says he; "but Hi'm most deeply concerned in hall of this," he says. "What do you mean, you shrimp?" says I. "Have you been mixed up in anything here?" "Hit was the mide across the way, sir across the wall, that is to say. Well, perhaps Hi've been too attentive to their Hemmy, sir, from the hupper-story window; but she was that pretty and so fond of me!

Begad, now that I think of it, I suppose it was smokin' that knocked me up so much last night, an' mide my head so sick to-day." "It helped it, I'll engage; if you will take my advice, it's a custom you won't larn."

"'E's no good, 'e's done." Thirteen's eyes narrowed. "How so?" "'E's done, Number One is finished, counted out, napoo! 'E's 'ad 'is d'y, and a pretty mess 'e's mide of it and it's 'igh time, I say, for 'im to step down and let a better man tike 'old."