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Very fine specimens of this class of elevator are in the New York Post-office building. The gantry crane of Messrs. Appleby Bros. of London is the most complete engine of its kind in the world. It was originally constructed for the growing requirements of the docks of the North-eastern Railway Company of England at Middlesborough.

"You can get another by that time." "Not I. I am not a sycophant hanging round White Hall! 'Twas sheer good luck and no merit of mine that got me the guardianship of Sue. Lord Middlesborough, her kinsman, wanted it; the Courts would have given her to him, but old Noll thought him too much of a 'gentleman, whilst I an out-at-elbows country squire, was more to my Lord Protector's liking.

"But my grandson is not going to wait for the son of a proselyte. Why doesn't he come?" "He'll be here in one minute." "How do you know?" "We came up in the same train. He got in at Middlesborough. He's just gone home to see his folks, and get a wash and a brush-up. Considering he's coming up to town merely for the sake of the family ceremony, I think it would be very rude to commence without him.

The attempt was also made by several firms engaged in the iron trade, to embody the principle of co-operation in their respective concerns. Amongst these were the firms of Greening and Co., Manchester, and Fox, Head, and Co., Middlesborough.

In 1829 some of the principal proprietors of the railway joined in the purchase of about 500 or 600 acres of land five miles below Stocktonthe site of the modern Middlesboroughfor the purpose of there forming a new seaport for the shipment of coals brought to the Tees by the railway.

More recently, the discovery of vast stores of ironstone in the Cleveland Hills, closely adjoining Middlesborough, has tended still more rapidly to augment the population and increase the commercial importance of the place. It is pleasing to relate, in connexion with this great workthe Stockton and Darlington Railway, projected by Edward Pease and executed by George Stephensonthat when Mr.

He's a horrid little man with a gaunt wife six feet high who beats her children and, if village gossip be true, her husband as well. Now you can see Malford Place, which is let to Middlesborough, as I told you." Mark looked at the great Georgian house with its lawns and cedars and gateposts surmounted by stone wyverns.

But she went mad when she found the lad whom she liked best lying dead on the beach, and so she never married. The story of her sweetheart's death was one of the ugliest that ever was known on the shores of the bay. He was a smart fellow, who went mate of a brig that ran to Middlesborough for iron-stone.

The final recital of the whole tragedy was delivered to them at the mouth of a Religious from the Benedictine cell at Middlesborough who had been released by the Visitors at his own request, but who had afterwards repented and joined the rising soon after the outset; he had been through most of the incidents, and then when failure was assured had fled south in terror for his life, and was now on his way to the Continent to take up his monastic vocation once more.

FRANKLYN. Oh, a silly misunderstanding. I have promised to address a meeting in Middlesborough; and some fool has put it into the papers that I am 'coming to Middlesborough, without any explanation. Of course, now that we are on the eve of a general election, political people think I am coming there to contest the parliamentary seat.