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The question appeared to embarrass Mr. Winslow a good deal. He colored, fidgeted and stammered. "Nothin', nothin' of any account," he faltered. "My er my brain was takin' a walk around my attic, I cal'late. There's plenty of room up there for a tramp." "No, tell me; I want to know." Her expression changed and she added: "You weren't thinking of of Charles' his trouble at Middleford?

She might have been surprised to realize how clearly he understood. She was proud, and it was plain to see that she had been very proud of her brother. And Middleford had been her home where she and her husband had spent their few precious years together, where her child was born, where, after her brother came, she had watched his rise to success and the apparent assurance of a brilliant future.

He was crazy with rage, but he was not frightened. Fear of physical violence was not in his make-up; he was no coward. "I'll tell you what it is," he screamed. "I'll tell you what it is: I've found out about you and that stuck-up crook of a brother of yours. He's a thief. That's what he is, a thief and a jailbird. He stole at Middleford and now he's stole again here. And Jed Winslow and you are "

'By godfreys, says I, 'if you can fix it so's I can prove that's true I'll give you the biggest order you ever got in this store. ''Twon't be any trouble to prove it, says he. 'All you've got to do is look up his record in Middleford. And I've looked it up. Yes, sir-ee, I've looked it up. Ho, ho!" Jed, white and shaking, made one more attempt. "It's all a lie," he cried. "Of course it is.

And I had to give in that the way he'd behaved his goin' off and enlistin', settlin' that before he asked her or spoke to me, was a square, manly thing to do. The only thing I had against him was that Middleford mess. And I believe he's a GOOD boy in spite of it." "He is, Sam. That Middleford trouble wan't all his fault, by any means!" "I know.

'Why, says he, 'that's Charlie Phillips, of Middleford, ain't it? 'His name's Phillips and he comes from Connecticut somewheres, says I. 'I thought he was in state's prison, says he. 'What do you mean? says I. And then he told me.

Hasn't your brother got any friends in Middleford who could help him get some work a job you know what I mean? Seems as if he must have, or you must have." "Oh, we have, I suppose. We had some good friends there, as well as others whom we thought were friends. But but I think we both had rather die than go back there; I am sure I should. Think what it would mean to both of us." Jed understood.

First off, though, she decided to spend the summer in a cool place and some friend, somebody with good, sound judgment, suggests Orham. So she lets her own place in Middleford, comes to Orham, falls in love with the place same as any sensible person would naturally, of course and, havin' spent 'most three months here, decides she wants to spend nine more anyhow.

No wonder you thought I had gone crooked again. Humph! . . . Well, I'll tell you why I wanted that money. You see, I've been trying to pay back to the man in Middleford the money of his which which I took before. It is two thousand dollars and," with a shrug, "that looks a good deal bigger sum to me now than it used to, you can bet on that.

The captain and the widow agreed upon thirty-five dollars a month. It developed that she owned their former house in Middleford and that the latter had been rented for a very much higher rent. "My furniture," she added, "that which I did not sell when we gave up housekeeping, is stored with a friend there. I know it is extravagant, my hiring a furnished house, but I'm sure Mr.