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She was so silent during the walk, that her companions rallied her, and they both supposed she was anxious about Norman; but taking her opportunity, when Meta was gone to prepare for breakfast, she rushed, in her usual way, into the subject. "Papa! if you please, I should like to go home to-morrow with you." "Eh?" said the doctor, amazed. "How is this?

Meta came closer to him, and murmured, "Thank you!" The breakfast things had, by this time, been taken away, and Meta, looking to see that the door had shut for the last time, said, in a low voice, "Now tell me " Dr.

The lurking conviction was that one confidential talk with Ethel would cause the humming-bird to break the toils that were being wound invisibly round her. Ethel and her father knew nothing of the world, and were so unreasonable in their requirements! Meta would consult them all, and all her scruples would awaken, and perhaps Dr.

It was all Harry's fault. "Nonsense, Tom," said Harry; "don't you think Norman is better company than you any day?" "Then why did you not walk him off instead of me?" said Tom, turning round sharply. "Out of consideration for Meta. She will tell you that she was very much obliged to me " Harry checked himself, for Meta was colouring so painfully that his own sunburned face caught the glow.

Thus Margaret proceeded with the description of everything in the church, and all the little adventures of the building, as if she could not turn away from the subject; and her aunt listened and wondered, and, when called away, that Margaret might rest before nurse came to dress her, she expressed her wonder to Meta. "Yes," was the answer; "it is her chief occupation and interest.

"Other girls have silver-backed hair-brushes!" wailed Rose one night, regarding her old one with a scornful glance. "Yes, and chairs that don't tip one over," I added, as I managed to save myself from a fall. "Isn't it horrid to be poor, Meta?" said Rose. "It's no joke." I was very grim because I had bruised my hand on the rickety chair, and tomorrow was music-lesson day, as I remembered.

The intermediate plains, however, covered with forests, are still five times higher than the Pampas of Buenos Ayres, and the grass-covered Llanos of Caracas and the Meta.

What a useful, admirable woman she would be! The doctor would be the person to come to his senses in the morning, when he remembered Abbotstoke, Mr. Rivers, and Meta. So Flora met her father, the next morning, with all her ordinary composure, in which he could not rival her, after his sleepless, anxious night.

"I trust to her own kindness working comfort to her, at last," said Norman. "But is she often thus?" "Whenever she is not bearing up for George's sake," said Meta. "She never says anything when she is alone with me, only she does not struggle with her looks." "It must be very trying for you." "Nay, I feel grateful to her for even so far relaxing the restraint. If I could but do her any good."