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He might be on a bicycle or he might be on foot. I very nearly fell into the trap and told a story of a bicyclist hurrying past in the grey dawn. But I had the sense to see my danger. I pretended to consider very deeply. 'I wasna up very early, I said. 'Ye see, my dochter was merrit last nicht, and we keepit it up late. I opened the house door about seeven and there was naebody on the road then.

"See here, Yuki San, you are fast developing the symptoms of a coquette." She quickly straightened her back, and with a smile of bewilderment, exclaimed: "Me croquette? No, no; croquette, him li'l chicken-ball what you eat. I no can be eat!" Merrit shouted with delight, then grew grave. "No, Yuki San, you don't ever want to be a coquette.

It was the girl Merrit had told her about the girl to whom he was going so joyously. It was a face full of the gladness of life and love, whose laughing eyes looked straight into Yuki San's with such a challenge of friendship and good will that the girl smiled back at the picture and laid it gently against her warm cheek.

But now he make the joyful with girl with laugh in her eyes, and her feet no touch the ground with much happy. To-morrow I go to other house and no belong to my father and mother. To-day I go temple, and I make promise I no more speak of Merrit San's name; no more the think of his face in my heart. Little book, I weared you close to my breast many days. To-night I sleep with you tight to my heart.

Japanese girl very naughty if she love man. She made for the take care of man's mother, man's house. Very bad for Japanese girl to say love when she marry with man. Merrit San say 'Merican girl speak love with eyes when lips are shame. Japanese girl cover the eye with little curtain when man comes. She no must peep out one little corner. No must see, no must hear, no must speak the love.

Before, though I had some trouble or unhappiness, if I saw Merrit San's smile everything was taken clear away and my heart was full with cheer and happy. Ah, Merrit San, though it makes my cheek red with hot to write the speak, I love you most. Buddha very naughty old god to say nothing truly is. Fourth Entry Ah, Merrit San, what you suppose I have dream last night?

Big lamp by Merrit San's desk no never burn so bright for me. It make funny little crooked shadow of my body on shoji. Merrit San's body always make big and strong black picture. I saw it last time big moon look over mountain. I took walk in garden and I thinking this time next moon Merrit San will not be here.

The boy, looking on, began to laugh, a laugh that began in his eyes, ran over his face and down into his throat, whence it came again in a shout of boyish merriment. Yuki Chan, looking from him to the smiling jinrikisha man, grew crimson with anger. With a swift movement she ran toward the ditch. Divining her purpose by the look in her eyes, Dick Merrit went gallantly to the rescue of the kitten.

Before I finish my speak Merrit San shiver like cold and say, "Come on, Yuki San, let's get out of here and find the sun." Outside I make cherry-wreath while Merrit San tell me story. Him very sweet day now all gone forever. Seventh Entry Last fine kimono is finished and all baggage is tied. Next day I go to other house.

Their mother, just a slip of a girl herself, 'm, had only time for a long look at her babbies before she begun to sink, and when she see, herself, 'twas the end, she whispered, 'Debby' I was right over her, 'm, leaving the babbies to anybody, for little they were to me then, beside the dear young mistress so she says, says she, 'Debby! and I says, very soft-like, 'Yes, Miss Helen, 'cause, mind you, I'd been her maid afore she was merrit at all, and I allays forgot when I wasn't thinkin', and give her the old name and I says, 'Yes, Miss Helen? And then she smiles up at me just as bright as on her wellest days, 'm, and says, 'Call 'em Faith and Hope, Debby; that's what they would be to me if and not rightly onderstandin' of her, I breaks in, 'Faith and Hope?