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"I was beginning," pursued Patty, "to feel nervous for fear some of the family might drop in, when the man came back and said, 'Mrs. Millard will be down in a minute. "If I had seen you at that moment, Georgie Merriles, there would have been battle, murder, and sudden death. My first thought was of flight; but the man was guarding the door, and Mrs. Prexy had my card.

And Priscilla walked down the corridor swinging her note-book by its shoe-string, and opening envelops as she went. She was presently joined by Georgie Merriles, likewise swinging a note-book by a shoe-string. "Hello, Pris; going to English? Want me to help carry your mail?" "Thank you," said Priscilla; "you may keep the most of it.

And my dear friend Miss Georgie Merriles, one of the oldest families in Dakota. Miss Merriles is very talented sings in the glee club, plays on the comb " "And," interrupted Georgie, "let me present Miss Patty Wyatt, who " "Has no specialty," said Patty, modestly, "but is merely good and beautiful and bright." A knock sounded on the door, which opened without waiting for a response.

During the progress of this conversation Georgie Merriles had been lounging on the couch by the window, reading the "Merchant of Venice" in a critically unimpassioned way that the instructor in Dramatic Theory could not have praised too much. The room finally having become too dark for reading, she threw down the book with something like a yawn.

"See here, Patty," he called as she hurried past. "Look at this stuff Georgie Merriles has palmed off on us for wine. You can't expect me to drink any such dope as that." Patty paused for an instant. "What's the matter with it?" she inquired, pouring out some in a glass and holding it up to the light. "Matter? It's made of currant jelly and water, with cold tea mixed in."

"Patty, you can manage Georgie Merriles; make her let me go on without any wig," cried Cynthia, returning and holding up to view a mass of yellow curls of a shade that was never produced in the course of nature. Patty looked at the wig critically. "It is, perhaps, a trifle golden for the part." "Golden!" said Cynthia. "It's positively orange. Wait till you see how it lights up.

The audience doesn't know the difference; and, anyway, it was all for the best. My mustache wouldn't have stayed on more than two minutes longer." They could hear some one shouting in the front, "What's the matter with Georgie Merriles?" and a hundred voices replied, "She's all right!" "Who's all right?" "G-e-o-r-g-i-e M-e-r-r-i-l-e-s." "What's the matter with the cast?" "They're all right!"

Georgie Merriles and Patty had just strolled home from the athletic field, where they had been witnessing the start of a paper-chase cross country, in which Priscilla was impersonating a fox. As they entered the study, Georgie stopped to examine some loose sheets of paper which were impaled upon the door. "What's this, Patty?" "Oh, that's the registration-list for the German Club.

The bell rang, and the class somewhat sheepishly filed out. That afternoon Patty burst into the study where Priscilla and Georgie Merriles were making tea. "Did you ever think I had much of a conscience?" she demanded. "Never thought it was your strong point," said Georgie. "Well, I've got a perfectly tremendous one! What do you think I've been doing?"

It's mighty lucky Georgie Merriles was in New York or she'd never have lent them to me." "And now," said Patty, as, the three courses disposed of, she tucked the freshman into bed, "we'll map out a campaign. While eight hours are pretty serious, they are not of necessity deadly. What made you flunk Latin prose?" "I never had any before I came, and when I told Miss "