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The calf stood, dazed for the time being, after it had scrambled to its feet, and then trotted out of the corral, lashing its side with its little tail. Plainly branded on it now, never to be completely effaced, was the mark of the ownership of Mr. Merkel an X inside a diamond. "Next!" called the branders: "Here comes Dick!" shouted Bud, as Nort rode up beside him. "And he got his calf!"

I've sent all the help I can, but the Yaquis got the start on us, owing to the fact that I was out of town with a posse after rustlers. But we'll get that girl and boy back or bust every leg we've got, Mr. Merkel. And you can send on help if you want to and join us." The lengthy message was signed with the name "Hank Fowler," and when the reading was finished, Mr.

The mystery solved, the boy ranchers turned their attention to other matters, and these are related in the second volume, "The Boy Ranchers In Camp." Mr. Merkel, by using an ancient underground water course beneath Snake Mountain, had brought much-needed moisture to a distant valley he owned, thus making it possible to use it as a place for raising cattle.

Slim did not answer, the reason being that a moment later he was surrounded by a knot of laughing, pushing, jostling and shouting cowboys, who seemed to want the foreman to settle some disputed point. Bud and his two cousin chums rode on and greeted Mr. Merkel and his wife, who was "Ma" to every cowboy within fifty miles, and Nell, who was Bud's pretty sister. "Hello, Dad!

Merkel was the owner of several ranches, Square M, Triangle B and Diamond X, not to mention Diamond X Second, or Flume Valley, of which his son Bud, and the latter's cousins, Norton and Richard Shannon, were the nominal proprietors.

Get 'em over here in the gasolene gig and we'll do the rest!" laughed Bud, though he was in anything but a laughing mood, His mind was grimly set on getting back his cattle, and in punishing the evil gang of rustlers that was dominating that section of the "cow country," as ranch localities are sometimes called. Immediately on hanging up the receiver, Bud Merkel started in on a busy time.

In spite of the pie, cake and other good things set out by Nell and Mrs. Merkel, Bud and his chums decided to ride back to their camp that night. It was dark at the start, but the moon would be up later, and the trail was well known. The boy ranchers rode leisurely along, for there was no special hurry in getting back.

Merkel reached over and placed his hand in reassuring fashion on his wife's ample shoulder. "Indians!" murmured Dick. "I wonder " "Sure we can help fight 'em!" exclaimed Nort, rightly guessing that this was his brother's question. While the wind fluttered in his hand the letter from Rosemary, telling of her plans to visit Diamond X with her brother, and while Mr.

"No, but maybe they'd better be," grimly answered her father. "Rosemary and Floyd are carried off by the Yaquis!" he added. "How do you know?" "Does the message say so?" "Which way did they go?" These were the questions, fired in rapid succession, by Bud, Nort and Dick. "That information's in the telegram," explained Mr. Merkel.

"Rosemary and Floyd," repeated Bud, "I don't seem " "You haven't seen them in some years," his mother said. "But I'm sure you'll like them." "Especially Rosemary," laughed Nort, and Nell stuck out her tongue at him. "Well, I'm glad they didn't come until after the spring round-up," spoke Mr. Merkel, looking at a letter he held. "We'll have more time, now, to be with 'em and show 'em around.