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"Can't hear," said old Colonel Pinner. And he waved Josephine away with his stick, then pointed with his stick to Cyril. "Tell me what she's trying to say," he said. "Do, dear," she smiled. "It will please him so much." "Come on, out with it!" cried Colonel Pinner testily, beginning to thump again. And Cyril leaned forward and yelled, "Father's still very fond of meringues."

"There is no such designation in France, said a grim-looking, hard-featured man, who, wearing the tri-colored scarf, sat at the table beside the clerk. "'I was never called by any other, rejoined the youth, proudly. "'Citizen Meringues, interposed the commissary, mildly, 'what is your age?

The crew of the "Jolly Susan" were invited, she learned, to partake of an elegant cold collation consisting of roast chicken, meringues, cakes, candies, etc., etc., which Sally May's mother was thoughtfully sending them from a caterer in town. "Have you asked Miss Marlowe if we may have the small sitting-room?" asked Nancy after Judith had been informed of the feast awaiting her.

If other people would do without having everything, these people need not want everything." David did smile, though, at Matilda's summary way of equalizing things. "What would you be willing to go without?" he asked. "Come, Tilly; what of all we have had to-day?" "A great deal," said the little political economist steadily. "Meringues and bananas? for instance."

I've forgotten my sponge again." Another disaster averted! What a gorgeous time they had! What a heavenly chicken! What luscious meringues! And if you have never in semi-darkness balanced a precious morsel of jelly on the end of a nail-file, you have missed one of thrills of real living.

In this country culinary skill seems to run to sweet rather than to savory cooking; very few housekeepers but make excellent preserves and cakes, yet the list of sweet dishes manufactured at home is very limited; as soon as anything not in this category is required the caterer is applied to, and he has his list of water-ices, cream-ices, and méringues, with very little variation; sometimes, indeed, a new name appears on the list, but it turns out to be some old friend with a new garnish, or put in a different mould and given an alluring name.

After a while she explained, blushing and giggling, that one of the cook's assistants had made friends with her the previous night and given her two meringues. "A friend of mine who came out as a stewardess told me the best thing you could do was to make friends with the cooks or the butchers because there's all sorts of little tit-bits they can get for you.

"Count Louis de Meringues of whom you have doubtless heard that he rode as postilion to the carriage of his sovereign in the celebrated flight to Varennes fell by the guillotine the week after the king's trial; the countess was executed on the same scaffold as her husband. I was the priest who accompanied her at the moment; and in my arms she placed her only child, an infant boy of two years.

Great expedition is necessary in making this sweet dish, as, if the meringues are not put into the oven as soon as the sugar and eggs are mixed, the former melts and the mixture would run on the paper instead of keeping its egg-shape. The sweeter the meringues are made the crisper will they be; but if there is not sufficient sugar mixed with them, they will most likely be tough.

The Major's laughter boomed out again. "And I never kept a diary in my life!" he cried. "Why there's enough cream in this situation to make a dishful of meringues. You and I, you know, the students of Tilling! The serious-minded students who do a hard day's work when all the pretty ladies have gone to bed.