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A crowd flocks to it from all parts, forming a medley of every class and nation. On the evening of the same Saturday when Lupin, the Growler and the Masher were plunging into Italy, Clarisse Mergy entered this hotel, asked for a bedroom facing south and selected No. 130, on the second floor, a room which had been vacant since that morning.

A motor-car took them across Paris at full speed, but they soon saw that Clarisse Mergy was not outside the station, nor in the waiting-rooms, nor on any of the platforms. "Still," muttered Lupin, whose agitation grew as the obstacles increased, "still, if Daubrecq booked a berth in a sleeping-car, it can only have been in an evening train. And it is barely half-past seven!"

I should like him, as well as myself if you see no objection to telling me to know the details of this kidnapping business, which alarms me and upsets my plans; yours too, I expect?" Prasville had every confidence in Clarisse Mergy. He knew her relentless hatred of Daubrecq and appreciated the assistance which she had rendered in the case.

"What Prasville and all his men, what Clarisse Mergy, what nobody has been able to do, you think that you will do!" "I shall!" "And why? By favour of what saint will you succeed where everybody else has failed? There must be a reason?" "There is." "What is it?" "My name is Arsene Lupin." He had let go of Daubrecq, but held him for a time under the dominion of his authoritative glance and will.

Mergy would most likely be dead." "Oh, you think so?" "I am sure of it. And that was why I jumped at that faithful retainer's suggestion. Only, you interfered with my plans, monsieur le secretaire-general." "I did?" "Yes. You must needs go and take the three-cornered precaution of posting twelve men at the door of my house.

There was a set of names written one below the other, twenty-seven of them, the twenty-seven names of the famous list: Langeroux, Dechaumont, Vorenglade, d'Albufex, Victorien Mergy and the rest. And, at the foot, the signature of the chairman of the Two-Seas Canal Company, the signature written in letters of blood. Lupin looked at his watch: "A quarter to one," he said.

Clarisse Mergy stopped for a few seconds and resumed, in a stifled voice: "I shall never forget it... The three of us were in the drawing-room. Oh, I can hear even now the terrible words of threat and hatred which he uttered! Victorien was absolutely astounded.

Prasville smiled: "The wish, obviously, would lead us to make certain sacrifices." "Every sacrifice," said Mme. Mergy, correcting him. "Every sacrifice, provided, of course, that we keep within the bounds of acceptable requirements." "And even if we go beyond those bounds," said Clarisse, inflexibly. Prasville began to lose patience: "Come, what is it all about? Explain yourself."

Sebastiani, who was devoted to him body and soul, for reasons connected with the past into which it was not worth while to inquire, accompanied him; and together they went to see the captive, who was closely watched by the huntsman's wife and his three sons. "That's where we stand," said Lupin to Clarisse Mergy, when he joined her at a neighbouring inn.

Why not let Gilbert and Clarisse Mergy die? Why not lock up that idiot of a Lupin? Why not seize this unparalleled piece of fortune by the forelock?" He bent toward Prasville and, very softly, in a friendly and confidential tone, said: "Don't do that, my dear sir, don't do it." "And why not?" "It is not to your interest, believe me." "Really!" "No.