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The King of Sweden, who, as Duke of Pomerania, was bound to send three thousand men for the defence of the Empire, sent, instead of them, his advice that the allies would make peace on the best terms which they could get. The King of Denmark seized a great number of Dutch merchantships, and collected in Holstein an army which caused no small uneasiness to his neighbours.

In the same year of one thousand six hundred, two merchantships left Manila for Nueva Espana: the flagship the "Sancta Margarita," with Juan Martinez de Guillestigui as general, who had arrived the year before in the same capacity; and the "San Geronimo," under Don Fernando de Castro.

Because of the numerical superiority of the Aristarchy, and because it operated in the open instead of skulking in the darkness of space, the Misfits knew where Aristarchy planets were located, while the Aristarchy was unable to search out every planet in the multimyriads of star systems that formed the galaxy. Thus the Misfits had become pirates, preying on the merchantships of the Aristarchy.

February 14 Von Bernstorff sails for Germany. Feb. 25 British under Gen. Maude capture Kut-el-Amara; submarine sinks liner Laconia without warning; many lost including two Americans. Feb. 26 President Wilson asks congress for authority to arm American merchantships. Feb. 28 Secretary Lansing makes public Zimmerman note to Mexico, proposing Mexican-Japanese-German alliance.