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As was the custom with the French noblesse each son adopted a surname derived from some portion of the ancient family estate. At least five of Becancourt's sons were prominent in the affairs of Acadia; they are known in history as Menneval, Portneuf, Villebon, d'Iberville and des Isles.

Menneval, the French governor, yielded his fortress on the understanding that he and the garrison should be transported to French soil. Phips, however, after pillaging the place, desecrating the church, hoisting the English flag, and obliging the inhabitants to take the oath of allegiance to William and Mary, carried off his prisoners to Boston.

To revenge themselves on the French, whom they regarded as the instigators of this savage warfare, the New Englanders fitted out an expedition under Sir William Phips which captured Port Royal and carried Menneval, the governor, away a prisoner.

When M. Menneval bore up, his antagonists were closing fast on his weather-quarter, and unless he meant to fight to leeward, it was incumbent on him to get out of the way, in his turn. Sir Hotham Ward, however, was too skilful a seaman to neglect the advantage Mons. Menneval had given him.