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And his Thousand trooped after him as gayly as if they were in a melodrama. And yet I understand that Garibaldi was a real person, and that his exploits can be authenticated. The competition in your line of business is fierce.

But before that period, dear, reader, you will see what good and adverse fortune did for or against me. My life in Dresden until the end of the carnival in 1753 does not offer any extraordinary adventure. To please the actors, and especially my mother, I wrote a kind of melodrama, in which I brought out two harlequins. It was a parody of the 'Freres Ennemis', by Racine.

Recalling his early days on the boards he remarked: "Then a young actor had to play a varied round of parts in a single season. To-night it would be farce, to-morrow tragedy, the next night some such melodrama as 'Ten Nights in a Bar-room. This not only taught an actor his business, it gave him a chance to find out where his strength lay, whether as Dundreary, Hamlet, or Zeke Homespun."

The villain in melodrama is as likely as not to be as decent a fellow as any. When he slinks from the stage in his final hissed exit he goes to his dressing-room, scours off his grease-paint, and probably returns to his devoted family or seats himself before a bowl of milk-and-crackers in his club. Gilfoyle was as decent a fellow as ever villain was.

"If I were a hero of the melodrama I'd say; 'To the death! but as I'm not; I'll just repeat, in any way." "You are good to me, Vance. I can never repay " "Tut! tut! I do not put myself on sale. Love is service, I believe."

We scarcely ever find in Browning a defence of those obvious and easily defended publicans and sinners whose mingled virtues and vices are the stuff of romance and melodrama the generous rake, the kindly drunkard, the strong man too great for parochial morals. He was in a yet more solitary sense the friend of the outcast. He took in the sinners whom even sinners cast out.

He has viewed the mantiers of the town; 'perused the traders, as the Swan poetically remarks. Have you not, my lad, eh?" Thus directly appealed to, the boy looked up with a smile of scorn on his lips, "Yes, I know what life is, and I say that life, like poverty, has strange bed-fellows. Ask me what life is now, and I say a melodrama; ask me what it is twenty years hence, and I shall say "

The applause when it comes proves the same thing as applause does everywhere; that if you want to drive home your points in a large assembly you must be condensed and simple, using broad, slashing arguments. This is precisely what distinguishes melodrama from drama, and which explains why excessive analysis is no argument in the popular mind.

Then he remembered that Jona had rather seemed to encourage him in his idea of writing his biography. He planned it all out in his mind. He thoroughly enjoyed it. He enjoyed it so much that he felt he had to tell Mabel about it. He did. "Mabel," he said, "have you ever realized that under certain circumstances the most awful things would happen to me that ever befell the hero of a melodrama?

There was as regular a plot as might be found in a melodrama.