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This fair water, extending from Med to Melita, was greenly shored and dotted with strange little pleasure crafts with exquisite sweeping prows and silken canopies. Before a white temple, knee-deep in whose flowered ponds the ibises dozed and contemplated, was anchored the imperial trireme, with delicately-embroidered sails and prow and poop of forgotten metals.

Fritz Muller states that certain species of Melita are distinguished from all other amphipods by the females having "the coxal lamellae of the penultimate pair of feet produced into hook-like processes, of which the males lay hold with the hands of the first pair."

George and Amory were to mingle with the throng and leave the palace no difficult matter in the press of the departures and, on the side of the courtyard beneath the windows of the banquet room, Jarvo, already joined by Rollo, would be awaiting them in the motor bound for Melita. "It sounds as if it couldn't be done," said Amory in intense enjoyment. "It's bully."

Their first question was, 'Where are we? so completely had they lost their reckoning. Some of the inhabitants could speak Greek or Latin, and could tell them that they were on Melita, but the most part of the crowd that came round them could only speak in a tongue strange to Luke, and are therefore called by him 'barbarians, not as being uncivilised, but as not speaking Greek.

A cry of horror rose from the people, and then stillness came again. "Take the woman away," said Prince Tabnit only, "she is speaking madness." "I am speaking the truth," said the woman clearly. "I was of Melita there are those here who will know my face. And it is not I alone who have served the State. I challenge you, Tabnit here, before them all! Where are Gerya and Ibera, Cabulla and Taura?

R., let the harbour launch have steam up to take the captain here on board the Melita at half-past nine to-night." I was amazed at the startled alacrity of R's "Yes, sir." He ran before me out on the landing. My new dignity sat yet so lightly on me that I was not aware that it was I, the Captain, the object of this last graciousness.

Gemmed by its lighted hamlets the fair plain of the island lay, with Med and Melita glowing like lamps to the huge dusk. "St. George," said Amory soberly, "if it's all true if these people do understand what the world doesn't know anything about " "Yes," said St. George. "It makes a man feel " "Yes," said St. George, "it does."

Gaulos had a port which was reckoned sufficiently commodious, and which lay probably towards the south-east end of the island. Melita, or Malta, which lies at a short distance from Gozzo, to the south-east, is an island of more than double the size, and of far greater importance. It possesses in La Valetta one of the best harbours, or rather two of the best harbours, in the world.

But that story you will perhaps have heard. "From Tyre I sailed for Italy, but was cast away upon the coasts of Melita, where many of us were drowned. By the favour of some god, however ah! what god I wonder I escaped, and taking another ship came safely to Brundisium, whence I travelled as fast as horses would carry me to Rome.

"Of Majorca I have little to say: its chief town is Majorca. "Port Mahon is the capital of Minorca; and Iviza is the principal town in the island of that name. "Malta " GEORGE. "Excuse me for interrupting you, dear mamma; but I wish Grandy to tell me if Malta is the same island as the Melita mentioned in the 28th chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, where St. Paul was shipwrecked?"