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To the delight of Melchitsedek Pinchas, Gideon, M.P., intervened at the eleventh hour, unceremoniously elbowing Simon Wolf out of his central position.

This was the moment selected by Fate and Melchitsedek Pinchas for the latter's entry. He came through the open street door, knocked perfunctorily at the door of the room, opened it and then kissed the Mezuzah outside the door. Then he advanced, snatched the Rebbitzin's hand away from the handle of the coffee-pot and kissed it with equal devotion.

Melchitsedek accosted his interpretess and made sheep's-eyes at her. But an actress who serves in a butcher's shop is doubly accustomed to such, and being busy the girl paid no attention to the poet, though the poet was paying marked attention to her. "Kiss me, thou beauteous one, the gems of whose crown are foot-lights," said the poet, when the custom ebbed for a moment.

"At last," he said. "See, I have got it printed the great work which this ignorant English Judaism has left to moulder while it pays its stupid reverends thousands a year for wearing white ties." "And who paid for it now, Mr. Pinchas?" said the Rebbitzin. "Who? Wh-o-o?" stammered Melchitsedek. "Who but myself?" "But you say you are blood-poor." "True as the Law of Moses!

'Ah, if Yvonne had only had such a snap! cried Melchitsedek Pinchas. 'To have jilted Lassalle and been died for! What an advertisement! 'It would have been on the bill, agreed the table. He asked if they thought Yvonne Rupert clever. 'Off the stage! There's nothing to her on, said Pinchas. The table roared as if this were a good joke. 'I dare say she would play my Ophelia as well as Mrs.

The white hairs were predominating in his beard, she had never noticed before how old he was getting. And mother her face was quite wrinkled. Ah, well; we must all grow old. What a curious man Melchitsedek Pinchas was, singing so heartily the wonderful story. Judaism certainly produced some curious types. A smile crossed her face as she thought of herself as his bride.

You know all de jargon-papers jump at vat I write, dey sign my name in vair large type Melchitsedek Pinchas under every ting, and I am so pleased with deir homage, I do not ask for payment, for dey are vair poor. By dis time I am famous everywhere, my name has been in de evening papers, and ven I write about you to de Times, you vill become as famous as me.