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Or perhaps you would prefer that Ronald should be present?" "This tone, Rex to me!" She was crimson with surprise. "You are right: it is better that Tower should not be here. He might get a worse douche than his plunge into the river. Now, about Meiklejohn? Why did he conspire with you and my mother to carry off Winifred Bartlett?" "I don't know." "Surely there was some motive?"

Meiklejohn, who was in charge there, at once got two platoons out of their shelter, and formed a flank facing Moeuvres, reporting his action. Beyond this movement, there was no information of any kind, but from it we were able to judge that an attack had been made at least on the right. As soon as the shelling moderated, it was determined to carry through the relief of "C" Company.

That day, the 31st of July, brought welcome reinforcements, consisting of the 35th Sikhs and the 38th Dogras, under Colonel Reid. Thus strengthened, Colonel Meiklejohn determined to take the offensive, and attempt to force his way to the assistance of the isolated garrison of Chakdara.

Get onto the Bureau and use the soft pedal. Then beat it to the club. You and Tower ought to be well soused in an hour. He's a good sport, all right. I'll mail him that sixpence if it's still in my pants." "Do nothing of the sort!" snapped Meiklejohn. "You're " "Ah, cut it out! Tower wants plenty to talk about.

Meiklejohn, bein' a Senator, an' well in with some of the top-notchers, has a cotton concession in Costa Rica which means a pile of money. Voles is cute as a pet fox. He winded the turkey, an' has forced his brother to make him manager, with a whackin' salary and an interest. I'm in on the deal, too. Bless your little heart, you just stan' pat, an' you kin make a dress outer dollar bills."

William Meiklejohn might have been branded with the word "Senator," so typical was he of the upper house at Washington. The very cut of his clothes, the style of his shoes, the glossiness of his hat, even the wide expanse of pearl-studded white linen marked him as a person of consequence. A uniformed policeman, striving to keep the pavement clear of loiterers, recognized and saluted him.

Sir Bindon Blood ordered General Meiklejohn to assemble this force before dark near the centre of the camp at a grove of trees called "Gretna Green," to bivouac there for the night, and to be ready to start with the first light of morning. During the afternoon the enemy, encouraged by their success with the cavalry in the morning, advanced boldly to the pickets and the firing was continuous.

Of these arrangements Sir Bindon Blood approved. He relieved Brigadier-General Meiklejohn of the charge of the Malakand position, and gave him the command of the relieving column.

Men much higher up in politics and finance than William Meiklejohn would be disagreeably surprised if they could read certain details entered opposite their names in the dossiers kept by the police department. Still, it behooved Clancy to tread warily. As it happened, he was just the man for this self-imposed duty.

"Senator Meiklejohn recommends me to approach the girl." "Well, perhaps that is the best. But how to get her address? Perhaps if I asked Rex he would tell it, without suspecting anything. On the other hand, he might take alarm." "Couldn't you say you had secured her a place on the stage, and make him send her to you, to test her voice, or something?