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An' you tell heem good an' hard, lak you choke ze w'ite bear an' lak you pull down ze tree, so he mak' no meestake an' try get away. An' she tell zat before all ze BATELIERS all ze St. Pierre mans gathered 'bout a beeg fire an' they shout up lak wan gargon that they watch an' keel you if you try get away." Carrigan reached out a hand. "Let's shake, Bateese.

Daylight, dis tam you mek one beeg meestake," French Louis said, straightening up and stepping down from the chairs. "Only one damn iron man can do dat. One hundred pun' more my frien', not ten poun' more." The sacks were unlashed, but when two sacks were added, Kearns interfered. "Only one sack more." "Two!" some one cried. "Two was the bet." "They didn't lift that last sack," Kearns protested.

I vill keep you in Guatemala vhile I send for her, and dthen ve go to Peru, to Ceylon anyvhere you like but America. I write Madame Steele you air my vife, and she vill soon zee ve air not to be find; she vill go back to New York. It ees no use dthat you cry out, no von hear, or if von do, you spik no Spanish, and I haf my pistol if any interfere. I tell you so much dthat you make no meestake.

"A mere medal is nothing to Miss Steele, I bet," said Bobby, the emphatic. "I expect she has a trunk full of 'em. Like the German army officer who had his chest covered with iron crosses and medals and the like. Somebody asked him how he came to get them all. "'Vell, he said, pointing to the biggest and shiniest medal, 'I got dot py meestake; undt dey gif me de odders pecause I got dot one!"

I drop the hand, instinctively steeling myself against all show of sympathy with this boyish sentimentalism. "It should teach you a lesson. You take too much care of your hands; they are whiter and softer than most women's such hands are good for nothing." "I vill show you you can be meestake." His face is quite changed, and there's something dimly threatening in the deep eyes.

Bateese say, 'Keel him, so no wan know w'at happen t'ree day ago behin' ze rock. But MA BELLE Jeanne, she say, 'No, Bateese, he ees meestake for oder man, an' we mus' let heem live. An' then she tell me to come an' bring you feesh, an' tell you w'at is goin' happen if you try go away from thees bateau. You COMPREN'? If you try run away, Bateese ees goin' keel you!

John with a sharp cry knocks his leveled weapon up, and calls out: "It is a friend; my guide, Mustapha Cadi." "Diable! I am one fool," exclaims the Gaul. "I recognize ze man now, and but for you he would be dead. I shall beg his pardon. It was one grand meestake." Meanwhile Mustapha has come up. Doctor John Craig is filled with a new excitement now. In his eyes the coming of this man means much.

Pablo glared at him hatefully; then, remembering that this man was no longer an interloper, but an honored guest of the house of Farrel, he removed his sombrero and bowed courteously. "Señor Parker," he explained, "thees man, Loustalot, have made the beeg meestake to steal thees horse from Don Miguel Farrel.

Jaune's palette and brushes fell to the floor with a crash. "Is it posseeble that you do tell me of the Comte Siccatif de Courtray? Are you then sure that you do not make one grand meestake? Is it 'im truly that you 'ave seen?" "Him, sir? Why, in course it's him. Haven't I knowed him ever since he wasn't higher'n a hoss's fetlock? Don't I tell you as me and him's fust cousins? Him?