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"Your common sense is almost as remarkable as your sense of justice, my friend," said he. "You see us one, two, tree meenutes ago, and you see us now. You see the empty bed, the empty room, and you imagine that in one, two, tree meenutes we have killed a man and disposed of his body. Truly, you are very wise and just, and very loyal also to your friends.

She's gane frae me like a knotless threid." Miss Horn was interrupted by the sound of the latch of the street door, and sprung from her chair in anger. "Canna they lat her sleep for five meenutes?" she cried aloud, forgetting that there was no fear of rousing her any more.

I can tell ye I was surprised to see a dacent-like chap like you sae chummy wi' sic a bad character as him. 'Aw, Wullie Thomson's no near as bad as his character. A' the same, he had nae business to slope wi'oot lettin' us ken. But he'll likely be comin' back. We'll wait for five meenutes an' see. Maggie drew herself up.

His geniality was not fully restored until, at the end of the meal, Christina laid a box of superior cigarettes between her two guests. 'May I drap deid in five meenutes, he declared, 'if ever I was treated like this afore! Macgreegor, ye're jist a damp lucky deevil! 'Oh, whisht! said Christina smiling. 'Ye should get a girl, Wullie, Macgregor remarked with the air of an old married man.

"I canna e'en think, wi' this brute ready ilka meenute to ate me up. I maun tak' her hame. Efter that, gien ye wad like to tell me onything, I s' be at yer service. Bide aboot here or, luik ye: here's the key o' yon door; come throu' that intil the park throu' aneth the toll ro'd, ye ken. It'll tak' me but twa meenutes to gang hame.

Stoat 'ill put up the mere, and I'll be back I can du't in ten meenutes." "Eh! dinna hurry for me, Ma'colm: I'm no worth it," said Lizzy. But Malcolm was already at full speed along the top of the dune. "Lord preserve 's!" cried Lizzy, when she saw him clear the brass swivel. "Sic a laad as that is! Eh, he maun ha'e a richt lass to lo'e him some day! It's a' ane to him, boat or beast.

And as sune as ye get hame ilka man 'ill gae tae his closet and shut the door, and stand for five meenutes, and ask himsel' this solemn question, "Am I a goat?" Amen. "The amen near upset me masel', and a' hed tae dunge Jeems wi' ma elbow. "He said no a word on the wy back, but a' saw it wes barmin' in him, and he gied oot sudden aifter his dinner as if he had been ta'en unweel.

'If he smokes his usual, he'll be thinkin' o' ye every twinty meenutes, remarked the girl, and drawing on her gloves, she came round to the door in order to close an interview which threatened to become lugubrious for all parties. 'Everybody's terrible kind, Macgregor observed, when he found himself alone with Christina on the pavement. 'Will ye look at the ring noo?

'Eh? The note of innocence satisfied her. 'Weel, she said graciously, 'I forgive ye. 'What for? 'Takin' liberties. Her lips wavered to a smile and he could not refrain from kissing them once more. 'Here, hauf time! she cried, and burst out laughing. 'This is the best yet, he said jubilantly. 'Three goals in twa meenutes! In future I'll kiss ye as often as I like.

"'Cause it's no fair to set doon a' thing for wrang 'at ye ha'e been i' the w'y o' hearing aboot by them 'at kens as little aboot them as yersel'. I cam here mysel', ohn kent whaur I was gaein', the ither nicht, for the first time i' my life; but I wasna fleyt like you, 'cause I kent frae the buik a' 'at was comin'. I hae h'ard in a kirk in ae ten meenutes jist a sicht o' what maun ha'e been sair displeasin' to the hert a' the maister a' 's a'; but that nicht I saw nae ill an' h'ard nae ill, but was weel peyed back upo' them 'at did it an' said it afore the business was ower, an' that's mair nor ye'll see i' the streets o' Portlossie ilka day.