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He would get the Gotford, if he could, but also would he win the house boxing at his weight. After he had rested he discovered the use of the big ball beneath the table. It was soft, but solid and heavy. By throwing this the medicine-ball, as they call it in the profession at Joe Bevan, and catching it, Sheen made himself very hot again, and did the muscles of his shoulders a great deal of good.

The doctor meant well, but he was too professional. Steve was human. "Go and get yourself a drink, Steve. I expect you need one." Steve shook his head. "Waggon," he said briefly. And there was silence again. "Say, Kirk." "Yes?" "What a wonder she is. Miss Ruth, I mean. I've helped her throw that medicine-ball often you wouldn't believe. She's a wonder." He paused. "Say, this is hell, ain't it?"

There is not a dumbbell, or an Indian club, nor a medicine-ball, nor a punching-bag, nor a turning-bar, nor a trapeze, nor a lifting or pulling apparatus, nor a muscle exercising machine of any sort or description in the White House. The only mechanical device used by the President is a simple, unoffending golf-club. Aside from his work in the open air, Mr.

You ask Steve; he's seen me throw the medicine-ball." "But posing is different. Hilda Vince has been trained for it." "Well let me try, at any rate." "But " "Do! And I'll promise to like your Hank and not put on my grand manner when he begins telling me what fun you and he used to have in the good old days before I was born or thought of. May I?" "But " "Quick! Promise!" "Very well." "You dear!

"Plenty of that," said Thorogood. "Deck-hockey and medicine-ball you mark out a tennis-court on the quarter deck, you know, and heave a 9-lb. ball over a 5 ft. net foursomes. Fine exercise." He spoke with the grave enthusiasm of the athlete, to whom the attainment of bodily fitness is very near to godliness indeed.

He had lost all his old boyish enjoyment of their sparring-bouts, and he threw the medicine-ball with an absent gloom almost equal to Bailey's. It had not occurred to Steve to question Kirk about this. If Kirk had anything on his mind which he wished to impart he would say it. Meanwhile, the friendly thing for him to do was to be quiet and pretend to notice nothing.

He could feel Mr Bevan's eye upon him, but he went through with it till the thing was told boldly, and with no attempt to smooth over any of the unpleasant points. "Never you mind, sir," said Mr Bevan consolingly, as he finished. "We all lose our heads sometimes. I've seen the way you stand up to Francis, and I'll eat I'll eat the medicine-ball if you're not as plucky as anyone.

Things have occurred to annoy me intensely." "You should worry!" advised Steve. "Catch!" The heavy medicine-ball struck Bailey in the chest before he could bring up his hands and sent him staggering back. "Damn it, Dingle," he gasped. "Kindly give me warning before you do that sort of thing." Steve was delighted.

He had saved the pianola! From the running track or the medicine-ball court I would repair to the steam room and simmer pleasantly in a temperature of 240 degrees Fahrenheit I am sure I have the figures right until all I needed before being served was to have the gravy slightly thickened with flour and a dash of water cress added here and there.

I just couldn't help listening. Say, this mitt's for you. Shake it! So you're going to marry Bailey's sister, Ruth, are you? You're the lucky guy. She's a queen!" "Do you know her, Steve?" "Do I know her! Didn't I tell you I was the tame physical instructor in that palace? I wish I had a dollar for every time I've thrown the medicine-ball at her. Why, I'm the guy that gave her that figure of hers.