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It will be at least a day or more before they will even begin to count us missing, and then they will have the whole northern portion of the preserve to comb; there are not enough men here I can give you a multitude of reasons, Medic." "One of which might be sabotage?" demanded Jellico. Asaki shrugged. "Perhaps. I am not loved in some quarters.

At any rate and in spite of the ministrations of his wife, who wished to defy the doctor and who in her hope for herself and her children as well as him strove to contend against this gloom, he did so go to bed and did die. Then he died. A friend who had known much of this last period, said to me rather satirically, "He was dealing with death in the shape of a medic. Have you ever seen him?"

And now that I look at your boots, I see traces of the same sort of mud, around the soles and in front of the heels. "But this is heartless of us, keeping you standing here on a wounded leg, sir. Come in, and let our medic take a look at it." "Well, thank you, lieutenant," Loudons replied. "But don't bother your medic. I've attended to the wound myself, and it wasn't serious to begin with."

News from Terraport was broadcast on every channel every hour of the day and night and not a single viewer could miss their appeal. But first there was Hovan to be consulted. Would he be willing to back them with his professional knowledge and assurance? Or would their high-handed method of recruiting his services operate against them now? They decided to let Rip ask such questions of the Medic.

"Seeing as how you tried to blast our medic," replied the captain with a grin which was close to shark-like, "he may not feel much like patching up those fingers of yours. Stick 'em in where they have no business, and they're apt to get burned. At any rate he's not going to look at 'em until he's had a chance to rest. I'll give you first aid. And while I'm working we'll talk.

If the Queen has to lift, you're the only one who can take her off world. And the same's true for Ali. I can't ride out a blast-off in either the pilot's or the engineer's seat. And Weeks is on the sick list. So I'm elected to do the Medic hunting " They were forced to agree to that. He was no hero, Dane thought, as he gave a last glance about his cabin early the next morning.

The tight bandage made it feel a little better, but he felt sick and dizzy, and when the medic turned and saw him, the officer said brusquely "Watch off for you, Bartol. I'll fix the sign-out sheet, but you go to your cabin and get yourself at least four hours of sleep. That's an order." Bart stumbled out of the cabin with relief.

The Patrol officer who was not yet ready to concede all points had an answer: "If you are able to get on board go." Hovan snatched the mike from the astonished officer. "Weeks!" His voice was imperative. "I'm coming aboard alone!" All eyes were on the ship and for a short period it would seem that Weeks did not trust the Medic.

Raising both hands again the medic brought them down, curling inward, until he stooped and touched them to the ground. When he straightened once again the knife was in his grasp and he tossed it behind him. The smoke from the fire swirled out in a long tongue, coiled about Lumbrilo and was gone.

The man looked shaken and sick, as if the drastic awaking they had subjected him to had left him too dazed to pull himself together. But out of some hidden reservoir of strength the Medic summoned the energy he needed. And his testimony was all they had hoped it would be. Though now and then he strayed into technical terms.