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"Oh, mebby fifteen miles from here." "Do they live on the tundra as they used to?" "Yes." "Are there many of them?" "Not now. Many, one time. Now very few. Not many reindeer. Too much not moss. Plenty starve. Plenty die." "Ask the Chukche," Marian said eagerly, "if I may go home with him to see his people." The boy spoke for a moment with the grave-visaged stranger.

I wuz real glad it had such a pretty name it deserves it. Josiah wuz dretful took with the name. He said that he wuz a-goin' to name his nephew's twins Maryline and Medusaline. But mebby he'll forgit it.

But me, I aim to live in the open." "Do you think that man Sneed will ride down this way?" queried Bartley, struck by a sudden idea. "That ain't why I figure to keep movin'," said Cheyenne. "But seein' as you figure to stay, I'll stick around to-day, and light out to-morrow mornin'. Mebby you'll change your mind, and come along."

"Peter," he said in a low voice, "I guess we've got a job on our hands. You began it today and I've got to finish it. We're goin' to kill Jed Hawkins!" Peter snuggled closer. "Mebby I'm bad, and mebby the law ought to have me," Jolly Roger went on in the darkness, "but until tonight I never made up my mind to kill a man. I'm ready now. If Jed Hawkins hurts her again we're goin' to kill him!

But this I know, wimmen will keep up hopes, moles or no moles, and age has no power to keep out expectations. But I make no insinuations, nor will take none. She said that it wuz money she hated to lose, and mebby it wuz. But on that question I riz up her hopes agin, for Mr.

"I'd venture to say that it would cut at least two million feet." Instantly, although the remark was addressed to him, Caleb knew that it was Stephen's comment for which Allison was angling. And hard upon his casual statement the boy's head came sharply around. "She'll run nigh double that," he swallowed the bait. "She'll run double and mebby a trifle more." Nor did Allison even smile now.

Sez I, "I can't understand it, Josiah, John Jones gits mad and kills one man, a small boneded man too, and weakly, couldn't live long anyway, and John had been abused by him shameful and wuz dretful mad at him. A horrified state law clutches John Jones and kills him. Public Opinion sez good enough for John, it will keep other murderous-minded men at bay mebby.

"Or mebby we wouldn't never have another chance." Then he slowly rolled another cigarette. Just then the black pony Boyar nickered. He recognized a friend entering the meadow. Overland lighted his cigarette. As he straightened up, Louise was surprised to see him thrust both hands above his head while he continued smoking placidly.

It wuz here that he found an asylum for a few years, carryin' on his plans, makin' out new arguments, stronger, mebby, than he had argued with for seven stiddy years, and I should a thought them old arguments must have been wore out.

She said they wuz considered very genteel and I guess mebby they wuz, so many things are genteel that are kinder disagreeable. They wuz also said to be first-rate for the rumatiz and the nerves. But it seemed to me I had almost ruther have nerves than to be covered all over with that nasty black mud.