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On each plantation there were ten dwelling-houses for the negroes. On one they were arranged in a double row, and on the other in a single row. There was a larger house for the overseer, and there were blacksmith shops, carpenter shops, stables, corn-cribs, meat-houses, cattle-yards, and gin-houses.

His flocks and herds, his meat-houses and corn-fields, were all our own; while his generous looks would tell us that he still wished for more to give. Indeed, often at the most imminent risk of his life, he used to send us intelligence, and also furnish us with powder and ball.

Freeze me to death on a stump, if I won't walk into their meat-houses in style, then my name ain't Tom Lannoch." "Jes' place me whar tha'll be some heads to crack, with gougin' and punchin' thrown in, and then count me in." "And hyer's Dick Smaddock, what " "Order!" roared the Captain; "I'll arrange matters without any gabbing from you. We are losing time.

The departed Yankees had carried away teams and wagons loaded with plunder from meat-houses, barns, and cabins, and as many of the negroes as desired to take advantage of "the year of jubile?" which old Spencer said "had come." One girl, who refused to depart, was thus upbraided by her father: "You's a fool, gal, not to go where there's a plenty to eat and nothing to do."