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Late that night when the city was wrapped in slumber, a lamp burned brightly in Teresa's chamber, and a figure paced wildly up and down with clasped hands and floating hair. At last the restless girl stopped and exclaimed: "If I am wrong, Heaven help me-but this agony is killing me! If I sin, I am sinned against, and God judge between us, Villani!"

Tell him from me-but you must first know me by my real name." Ben looked surprised. He had forgotten that Ida Sinclair was only assumed to elude the vigilance of her guardian. "My real name is Florence Douglas. I am of Scotch descent, as you will judge. Can you remember the name?" "I can, Cousin Ida-I mean Cousin Florence," said Ben. "Then let Ida Sinclair be forgotten. Richard Mr.

"O, a very savage!-a sneaking, shame-faced, despicable puppy!" I know not what bewitched me-but my pride was hurt, and my spirits were tired, and-in short, I had the folly, looking at Lord Orville, to repeat, "Despicable, you think?" His eyes instantly followed mine; "Why, is that the gentleman?"

You fatigue yourself too much!" And to the old lady's denials John's wife returned, with a tinge of sharpness: "But, really, mother, I'd rather you didn't. It frets the nurses and forgive me-but you know you <i>will</i> forget and talk to him in 'baby-talk'!" The days came and the days went, and Nancy Wetherby stayed more and more closely to her rooms.

"A storm upon their domestic horizon, I fear, is coming, if not already there," said Miss Evans, setting down and resting her lead upon her hands. "I wish he had not come. Something may be charged to me-but why should I fear. I have said simply what I felt was right. I must expect to encounter many storms in this voyage whose haven of peace is-where? None knoweth."

Placing the lamp on the stone floor of the dungeon, the guard withdrew, and locked the door after him. "Do you repent, my son?" demanded the friar, as soon as they were alone. "Certes, I repent having put faith in a treacherous fiend, who has deserted me-but that is all," replied Fenwolf, with his face turned to the ground.