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"You see, ma'am But I beg pardon," he went on stammeringly, and with a very awkward bow "I beg pardon, but I am addressing ah the ah the " "You are addressing the new landlady," she interpolated pleasantly. "Mrs. Miller is my name. I think we should be friends, Mr. McKinney, since I hear that you are one of the oldest patrons of the house."

Ned Wilkings one of the best reporters in the city tells the last "funny thing" to John Young; while Joe Bradley, proprietor of the Mail, touches glasses with Jim McKinney.

But if we shot even a leg off one of the least of these, them States folks would never rest content. For me, I'm goin' in with the railroad. Looks like I'd have to be corporation counsel." "Well, I reckon we won't have to drive our cows quite so far to market," apologized McKinney, striving to see the silver lining. "Oh, drop it," snapped Doc Tomlinson.

In the winter they rested or returned to Georgetown, making occasional trapping trips, hunting bear and deer, and the meat of which they sold. They and John McKinney, the founder of McKinney's, were great friends, having worked together in the Georgetown mines. They soon made their places famous.

You all come on over across the arroyo with me, and if you can find a sign showin' how this thing happened, I'll make you a present of the whole shootin' match." It was thus that Curly, Dan Anderson, Doc Tomlinson, McKinney, and Learned Counsel rose and adjourned across the arroyo. They found Suzanne and Arabella industriously carrying in aprons full of piñon chips for the kitchen stove.

What do you want of so many drugs, anyhow?" "Hush, fellers," said Curly. "Listen a minute!" Curly's ears had detected the rattle of distant wagon wheels. "That's Tom comin' now," said he. "He's a heap more regular than the Socorro stage. That's him, because I can hear him singin'." "Tom, he's stuck on music," said McKinney.

If we see a man comin' we pull down our skirts. Yes, Lawd." FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Name of interviewer: Watt McKinney Subject: Ex-Slave and Confederate Soldiers Story: Information I'm gettin' old and feeble now and cannot walk no more And I've laid the rusty-bladed hoe to rest. Ole marster and ole missus are sleeping side by side And their spirits are a-roamin' with the blest.

I heard him speak and saw him come backing into the room, facing toward Poe and McKinney. He could not see me, as it was dark in the room, but he came up to the bed where Maxwell was lying and where I was sitting. He seemed to think something might not be quite right. He had in his hand his revolver, a self-cocking .41.

Right dress! and Adjutant McKinney reads us the following order: "SOLDIERS: The commanding general takes pleasure in announcing to his troops that victory and success are now within their grasp; and the commanding general feels proud and gratified that in every attack and assault the enemy have been repulsed; and the commanding general will further say to his noble and gallant troops, 'Be of good cheer all is well. "GENERAL JOHN B. HOOD, "General Commanding.

Was it you, McKinney, you sour-dispositioned consumer of canned peas? Nay, nay. It was myself and my learned brother. You ought to send us both to Congress." We gazed up the long, silent street of Heart's Desire, asleep in the all-satisfying sun, and it almost seemed to us that we could indeed see all these things that he had named.