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Truman Leslie MacDonald, acting through Alderman Klemm, proceeded to make a count of noses, and found to his astonishment that he was not as strong as he had thought he was. Political loyalty is such a fickle thing. A number of aldermen with curious names Horback, Fogarty, McGrane, Sumulsky showed signs of being tampered with. He hurried at once to Messrs.

Of the remainder of this appropriate quotation, your honor cannot be incognizant, or any man who has had the advantage of being college-bred, as every true gentleman or 'homo factus ad unguem' must have, otherwise he fails to come under this category. And your petitioner will ever pray." "Are you the Mr. Eugenius McGrane," asked the agent, "who drew up this extraordinary document?"

Counsel L.W. Brown, Q.C., for first and second appellants, with R.J. McGrane. D.A.R. Williams for third appellant, with L.L. Stevens. G.P. Barton for first respondent, with R.S. Chambers. A.F. MacAlister for fifth respondent, with P.J. Davison. W.D. Baragwanath for sixth respondent, with G.M. Harrison. Judgment 22 December 1981 JUDGMENT OF WOODHOUSE P. AND McMULLIN J. DELIVERED BY WOODHOUSE P.