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But there was a split in the board; then two rival boards, one awarding the governorship to Kellogg and the other to McEnery.

Translated from the Italian by A.M. Von Blomberg. Part I. Introductory Narrative. Edited by H.M. Trollope. 2 vols. Dickens as an Educator. James L. Hughes. By F. B. Sanborn and W. T. Harris. By Theodore F. Munger. By Ruth McEnery Stuart. Works, vol. 8 new edition. Translated by M. J. Safford. Vierter Band. Chas. By Henry T. Finck. Chas. Oeuvres Completes, vols. 8 and 9.

As he and his crew were wrecking the finances of the State, there was in 1872 a general combination against them of the better elements, they preferred the name "Conservatives" to "Democrats," and they claimed to have elected their candidate, John McEnery, as governor.

Warmouth, who had been governor for a four years' term, had quarreled with his confederates over the division of plunder, and gone over to the Conservatives. He controlled the State returning-board, to which the laws intrusted a very elastic and dangerous power of throwing out returns from districts where intimidation was proved, and undertook to declare McEnery elected.

Frank Norris, and Mr. James Lane Allen, who has left Kentucky to join the large Southern contingent, which includes Mrs. Burton Harrison and Mrs. McEnery Stuart; the historians, Professor William M. Sloane and Dr. Hamilton W. Mabie, Mr. H. M. Alden, Mr. J. J. Chapman, and Mr.

McEnery kept up a shadowy claim to the governorship, with the countenance of the "respectable" element. But Kellogg and his pals had the actual administration, and used it to such effect that in two years the State bonds had fallen from seventy or eighty to twenty-five, and New Orleans city bonds from eighty or ninety to thirty or forty.

BY RUTH McENERY STUART From Harper's Bazar, June, 1909. By permission of Harper's Bazar. The Haunted Photograph BY RUTH McENERY STUART To the ordinary observer it was just a common photograph of a cheap summer hotel. It hung sumptuously framed in plush, over the Widow Morris's mantel, the one resplendent note in an otherwise modest home, in a characteristic Queen Anne village.

Brother Rabbit fell in the brambles, leaped to his feet, and began to laugh. "Ha-ha-ha! Brother Goat, what a simpleton you are! ha-ha-ha! A better bed I never had! In these brambles I was born!" Brother Goat was in despair, but he could not help himself. Brother Rabbit was safe. A long beard is not always a sign of intelligence. RUTH McENERY STUART

Opinions in harmony with this conclusion continued until very lately to be generally in vogue in England; although about the time that Schmerling was exploring the Liege caves, the Reverend Mr. McEnery and Dr. Buckland, have recently been published by Mr. Vivian of Torquay, from which, as well as from some of the unprinted manuscript, I infer that Mr. McEnery only refrained out of deference to Dr.

Frank Norris, and Mr. James Lane Allen, who has left Kentucky to join the large Southern contingent, which includes Mrs. Burton Harrison and Mrs. McEnery Stuart; the historians, Professor William M. Sloane and Dr. Hamilton W. Mabie, Mr. H. M. Alden, Mr. J. J. Chapman, and Mr.