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We'd have wandered around like a couple of Utes if it hadn't been for him. When in doubt ask Lucius, was our motto." She told stories of the elder Haney and the McArdles, and described the trials of the children in their new home till Ben laughingly said: "It's hard to run somebody else's life I've found that out."

'Tis like palin' a red onion to him nothing more." The Captain was up early next day, and eager to see how his sister was getting along in her new house, and to please him Bertha went with him. The transposition of the McArdles, like most charitable enterprises, had not been entirely a success.

McArdle, with his cigar in his hand, waved it in a sign of parting. And so their visit to the McArdles closed. Mart turned to his silent and thoughtful wife, and said, with a great deal of meaning in his voice: "Well, now, what do you think of that for a fine litter of pups?" "They seem hearty." "They do. 'Tis on such that the future of the ray-public rests."

In the midst of other gayeties she had the McArdles over to mid-day dinner one Saturday, and afterwards took them all, a noisy gang, to the theatre Patrick Haney as much of a boy as his grandsons, McArdle alone being unhappy as well as uneasy.

There was something hearty, wholesome, and satisfying in this visit, and Bertha went away with increased liking for the McArdles. "I'm glad you gave them a boost, Mart," she said, as they left the house, "and you fixed it fine. Mac talked to me a half-hour explaining that you hadn't put it on a charity basis just sold the house on long time." "That was Lucius's idea. Wasn't it, Lucius?"