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He's but a poor harmless lad. Sarch mun, if you will, maister; ye won't find nought." The Corporal eyed the ragged man keenly. "He looks to be a half-baked body," he said as if to himself. "Aye, the poor thing's mazed," bleated out an old man who had hobbled down to the edge of his garden to look on. "Has any one missed anything?" the Corporal went on after hearing the rest of the story.

"The lad is mazed!" said the falconer to himself. But Roland Graeme had good reasons for his surprise, though they were not such as he could communicate to his companion.

So mused Farina with his arms folded and his legs crossed in the shadow of Margarita's chamber. Gradually he fell into a kind of hazy doze. The houses became branded with silver arrows. All up the Cathedral stone was a glitter, and dance, and quiver of them. In the sky mazed confusion of arrowy flights and falls.

He had heard enough of it on all sides. Mrs. Spruce had gabbled of it, saying that 'what with jellies an' ices an' all the things as has to be thought of an' got in ready, she was 'fair mazed an' moithered. And she held forth on the subject to one of her favourite cronies, Mrs.

"Why, Barnabas, lad, I be all mazed like; there aren't many men as have knocked me off my pins, an' I aren't used to it, Barnabas, lad, but 't was a clean blow, as Natty Bell says, and why I be proud of thee, Barnabas, an' there y' are."

They walked into the house together, and I, still dazed and mazed with the enchanted revelation of her new loveliness, wandered about among the charred stumps, my thoughts a heavenly chaos, as though a million angels were singing in my ears. I could even have seen them, save for a wondrous rosy mist that rolled around them.

Now, I cannot tell how the mazed creature learned that its worst foe was no longer after it, but so it must have been, else it had circled slowly in lessening rings until the stoat had it, and presently it would have begun to scream dolefully. But I only saw it once again, and then it seemed to be listening at longer spaces.

Chirgwin found his opportunity and spoke. "I've heard you, an' it ban't human nachur to knuckle down dumb, so I be gwaine to speak, an' you can mind or not as you please." He flung his old hat upon the ground and walked without fear close beside the fisherman who towered above him. "God be with 'e, I sez, for you need En fine an' bad for sartain worse'n that poor 'mazed lamb shakin' theer.

"Hush thee, then," said the dame, "and get leave for this very evening; and come back hither, and I will introduce you to another implement, who must be employed in the matter. Stay, stay! the lad is mazed you would not go into your master's shop in that guise, surely? Your trunk is in the matted chamber, with your 'prentice things go and put them on as fast as you can."

So, upon that, the four fasting Kings breathed, and from the people of the City there went up a mighty shout of gladness and congratulation at the glory they had witnessed; and they took the air deeply into their chests, and were as divers that have been long fathoms-deep under water, and ascend and puff hard and press the water from their eyes, that yet refuse to acknowledge with a recognition the things that be and the sights above, so mazed are they with those unmentionable marvels and treasures and profusion of jewels, and splendid lazy growths and lavish filmy illuminations, and multitudinous pearls and sheering shells, that lie heaped in the beds of the ocean.