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Although he took luncheon and dinner with the family in the old building near to the gate-house, and spent his evenings in Juliette's drawing-room, the Marquis or Madame Maugiron was always present, and as often as not, they played a game of chess together.

"Come, Maugiron, you complain like a woman," replied another: "it is not warm, I confess; but draw your mantle over your eyes, and put your hands in your pockets, and you will not feel it." "Really, Schomberg," said a third, "it is easy to see you are German. As for me, my lips bleed, and my mustachios are stiff with ice."

Indeed, five minutes had not passed before Maugiron appeared in a dressing-gown, with a sword in one hand and a light in the other. As he came in one of his friends said to him, "The bear is furious, he was breaking everything just now; take care he does not devour you, Maugiron." Maugiron made his usual examination; he saw a broken window, but thought the duke had done it in his rage.

Rather than her indifference. Yes, but to act thus would be to do what a Quelus or a Maugiron would do if they knew how to love. Better to resemble that hero of Plutarch whom I so much admired, the young Antiochus, dying of love and never avowing it, nor uttering a complaint. Am I not called the brave Bussy?" He went home, and threw himself on a chair.

"No; how should we?" "Besides, is it certain?" Antragues drew his sword. "So certain that here is his blood," said he. "M. de Bussy assassinated!" "His blood cries for vengeance! do you not hear it, gentlemen?" said Ribeirac. "What do you mean?" "'Seek whom the crime profits, the law says," replied Ribeirac. "Ah! gentlemen, will you explain yourselves?" cried Maugiron.

The next day, at the petite levee of the king, MM. Quelus, Schomberg, Maugiron, and D'Epernon presented themselves. Chicot still slept. The king jumped from his bed in a fury, and tearing off the perfumed mask from his face, cried, "Go out from here." The young men looked at each other in wonder. "But, sire, we wished to say to your majesty " "That you are no longer drunk, I suppose."

"Sire," cried he, "I appeal against the unworthy treatment I meet with from your followers." Henri did not seem to hear. "Good morning, Quelus," said he kissing his favorite on both cheeks; "good morning, the sight of you rejoices my soul, and you, my poor Maugiron, how are you?" "I am terribly ennuye, sire; when I undertook to guard your brother, I thought he was more amusing.

France held few more terrible ferrailleurs than the curled painted minions of her third Henry: the sun never looked down on a more desperate duel than that in which Quélus, Schomberg, and Maugiron did their devoir manfully to the last.

And at these words, the poor king, trembling, began to pray. Rising again in a few minutes, he cried: "If Quelus only remembers the thrust I taught him! As for Schomberg, he is so cool that he ought to kill Ribeirac; Maugiron, also, should be more than a match for Livarot. But D'Epernon, he is lost; fortunately he is the one of the four whom I love least.

Luc tried hard to inspire in them a security which he did not feel himself; and his friends, Maugiron, Schomberg, and Quelus, clothed in their most magnificent dresses, stiff in their splendid doublets, with enormous frills, added to his annoyance by their ironical lamentations. "Eh! mon Dieu! my poor friend," said Jacques de Levis, Comte de Quelus, "I believe now that you are done for.