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"Well, how're yeh likin' th' grip, Nickie?" asked Matty Cann, otherwise Bonypart the living skeleton. "It is not exacting." said the Missing Link, dreamily, "but it has its drawbacks to a man accustomed to finding favour with the ladies." "Drawbacks," exclaimed Bonypart. "What price living skelingtons? You wouldn't believe it, but I'm considered rather a fine man in flesh.

I saw Miss Matty could not speak, she was trembling so nervously; so I said what I really felt; and after a call of some duration all the time of which I have no doubt Miss Pole thought Miss Matty received the news very calmly our visitor took her leave.

His complexion contrasted oddly with his plentiful snow-white hair, his eyes were dark and piercing, and he had an odd way of contracting them and puckering up his cheeks into innumerable wrinkles when he looked earnestly at objects. He did so to Miss Matty when he first came in.

"Just to where the white thing was waiting for Grandpa Woggles' spirit," explained Virginia. "Oh, yas. Well, round and round that house the white shadder swep', keepin' time to the howlin' of other spirits in the pine trees " "But there aren't any pine trees at Woggles'," objected Virginia. "Well, they'd be pines if they wasn't oaks," assured Matty.

See she has beautiful curling hair, and when she puts her pretty face out the carriage window, and tells the coachman to go here, and to go there, he minds her just as if she were a grown lady. Why did God make her rich, and me poor? Why did he let her ride in a carriage, and me go barefoot? Why did he clothe her like a butterfly, and me like a caterpillar? Matty, come here.

Let me see: Tristrams, two; Rosamond, three; Kathleen, four; Matty and Clara, six; Janet, seven. Ah, well, I am quite in the minority. Aneta carries off eleven girls as her share." "Don't be sad about it, Maggie. Surely we might all be one in the school! Why should there be parties?" said Merry.

"Poor Matty Bell, I pity her!" said Mrs. Butler. "Oh, it has been a sickening sight the way the mother has gone on lately, perfectly sickening; but she'll have her come down, poor woman, and I, for one, will say, serve her right." "We may as well be going, Martha," said Miss Peters. "Well, I suppose so, since our betters have led the way.

"Give we a yard o' tripe an' a scoopful iv mashed potatoos." "You aren't cut out for a public career. Matty you ought to abandon Living Skeletons and get a good eating part." "Wish t' 'eaven I could, but there's ther missus an' ther kids t' think of." "Well, you can turn your head away when the banquet scene's on." "What if I do; can't I smell it?"

He had missed more than he had gained in his travels abroad, in not living with and for the little creature before him. Her eyes were filled with contemplation; then the lovely face, in its exquisite purity, saddened for a moment. "Matty isn't going to take me across her knee never any more," she vouchsafed, a smile breaking like a ray of sunshine.

We had pudding before meat; and I thought Mr Holbrook was going to make some apology for his old-fashioned ways, for he began "I don't know whether you like newfangled ways." "Oh, not at all!" said Miss Matty. "No more do I," said he.