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She recollected with the utmost minuteness every look of contempt which she had seen in the faces of the young men whilst they spoke of Mrs. Stanhope, the match-maker. Belinda's mind, however, was not yet sufficiently calm to reflect; she seemed only to live over again the preceding night.

Upton, and she did. The sail was a great success, and everything went exactly as the skilful match-maker had wished. Bliss looked well in his yachting suit. The appointments of the yacht were perfect. The afternoon was fine, the supper entrancing, and the moonlight irresistible. Miss Meeker was duly impressed, and as for the doctor, as Upton put it, he was "going down for the third time."

If anything could awaken Marta to action it ought to be war, which was a great match-maker forty years ago. The thought of a lover in danger had precipitated wavering hearts into engagements. Marta's mood was such that she received the hint openly and playfully to-day. "Oh, I don't despair!" she exclaimed, straightening her shoulders and drawing in her chin with a mock display of bravery.

If you were not married I dare say I should 'ransack the ages' for some one fit and proper, and turn into a match-maker." "You had better take Marcia in hand; I think of doing it myself. Gert is past hope." "Marcia is not so bad," says madame, reflectively, "if only she would not set up for a genius. It is the great fault of young American women.

The professional figures and those illustrative of character, which were sketched more broadly and farcically, bore the process of transference better than the polished figures of every-day life; but even of those delineations the Roman editor had to lay aside several and these probably the very finest and most original, such as the Thais, the match-maker, the moon-conjuress, and the mendicant priest of Menander and to keep chiefly to those foreign trades, with which the Greek luxury of the table, already very generally diffused in Rome, had made his audience familiar.

"I don't mean Clarissa to be a governess; I mean her to make a good marriage." "O, of course it is very easy to say that," exclaimed Lady Geraldine scornfully; "but you have not been so fortunate as a match-maker hitherto. Look at Emily and Louisa." "Emily and Louisa were so intractable and difficult to please, that I could do nothing for them; and now I look upon them as confirmed old maids.

Mezentius was more merciful, for of the two bodies which he chained together only one had life. The clumsy match-maker is a scarcely less dangerous, though a far more respectable, enemy to the gentle craft than the coarse one. She makes it ridiculous, while the latter makes it odious, and it is ridicule that kills.

Miss Forsythe was not a match-maker, but Margaret herself would not have been more embarrassed than she was at the beginning of this interview. When Mr.

"Oh, Lady Washington," cried Janice, "not a one of these did I know of; and if you but knew what gladness it brings me to learn that, once he knew we had insulted him unwittingly, he forgave us, and put his resentment away." "Then you'll reward him as he deserves?" delightedly exclaimed the match-maker.

"I didn't mean to be curious," and Marie's pretty face looked troubled; "but, Patty, I will ask you one more question: Couldn't you, couldn't you like, specially, I mean, my cousin Kit?" "Marie, I've a notion to shake you! You little match-maker, or mischief-maker, stop getting notions into your head!