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I inquired, addressing the men. Twenty of them leaped out simultaneously. "Which of you remembers the course, that you could follow it in a gallop?" I asked. The Frenchman, Raoul, stood forth, touching his cap. "I know a shorter one, Captain, by Mata Cordera." "Ha! Raoul, you know the country. You are the man."

"Now of whom can my master be speaking?" "You know very well of whom I am speaking, goblin! Do you not always listen at the shoji? Go, fill the pot!" Mata glided from the room with the quickness of light and in an instant had returned. Replacing the smoking vessel and maintaining a face of decorous interest, she asked, hypocritically, "And was my poor Miss Umè mortified?"

Her disclosures did, indeed, throw light upon a difficult situation. From the hospital the old servant made her way to Uchida's hotel, to learn that he had gone the day before to Kiu Shiu. With this tower of strength removed Mata felt, more than ever, that Kano's sole friend was herself. The loss of Umè was still to her a horror and a shock.

We passed Eue, Utea, Tetio, Nanifapoto, Hana Puaea and Mata Utuoa, all empty of the living; graveyards and deserted paepaes. Thousands made merry in them when the missionaries first recorded their numbers.

He would curl up on the floor at my feet as I sat in my room sewing, and pour forth an endless stream of village gossip. How Mata, the native parson, had whipped his daughter for going to a picnic on Sunday and drinking a glass of beer. "Her father went whack! whack!" Pola illustrated the scene with gusto, "and Maua cried, ah! ah!

Through all these busy days Umè-ko moved as one but little interested. Kano and Uchida noticed nothing unusual. To them she was merely the conventional nonenity of maidenhood that Japanese etiquette demanded. It never entered their heads that she would not have agreed with equal readiness to any other husband of their choosing. Mata knew her idol and nursling better.

Mata listened with satisfaction as she heard him racing up the slope toward the hillside. "I wish it were indeed a Kiu Shiu peak he climbed, instead of a decent Yeddo cliff," she muttered to herself, as she tied on her apron and began to wash the supper dishes. "But, alas, he will be back all too soon, perhaps before my master and Miss Umè come down from the temple."

"Honorable Young Lady of the House," said Mata, now more severely, "I came to announce your bath. The august father having already entered and withdrawn, it is your turn." This time Umè answered her, not, however, changing her position. "I do not care to take the bath to-night. You enter, I pray, without further waiting. I I should like to be left alone, nurse.

Tatsu is right to scorn us! Well, well, a month from this date, deep in the golden heart of autumn, will the wedding be." "If the day be propitious and the stars in harmony," supplemented Mata. "She shall not be married in the teeth of evil fortune, if I have to murder the Dragon Painter with my fish-knife!" "Oh, go; have the stars arranged to suit you. Here's money for it!"

"No, no her servant. You can come and go as you like. You have wages." "I am Mata, the slave My Lady's slave. All the world knows I am her slave. Was I not given her by the Khedive whose slave I was? May the leaves of life be green always, but I am Mata the slave," she said stubbornly, shaking her head. "Do you tell My Lady so?" "Wherefore should I tell My Lady what she knows?