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"Be it so, Frank," said Stanley, taking his friend's arm, and sauntering towards the canoe, while Massan and Prince went to inform their comrades of the determination of their leader.

"It's no use, sir," said Massan; "he's past hearin'. I'm afeerd that they're off in the direction o' the White Bear Hills, in hopes o' gittin' a shot." "Try again, Massan," urged Stanley; "raise your pipe a little higher. Perhaps it will reach them." Massan shook his head. "Try it, Bryan," he said, turning to the Irishman, who was sitting on a rock leisurely filling his short, black pipe.

But Massan knew that to allow him to escape would only add to the number requiring to be saved, and as he himself could not swim, he saw at once that the only service he could render under the circumstances would be to hold the Irishman down. Clasping him, therefore, as in a vice, he raised his head and gave a shout for help that rolled in deep echoes among the overhanging cliffs.

"No," replied Prince, rising and shading his eyes with his hand; "it'll be only a puff; but that's enough to drive the ice down on us, an' shut up the open water." "It's my 'pinion," said Massan, "that we should hold away for the p'int yonder, an' camp there." Dick Prince nodded assent, and resumed his paddle. As he did so the report of a gun came sharply over the water.

They tie it with a long line to their whale spears to show which way the fish bolts when struck." "And did they use Peter's skin for such a purpose?" inquired Francois earnestly. "They did," replied Massan. "And did you see them do it?" "Yes, I did."

For my part, I'm willing enough to go to any reasonable part o' the country where there are furs and Indians; but as for this Ungava, from what Massan says, there's neither Indians, nor furs, nor victuals nothin' but rocks, and mountains, and eternal winter; and if we do get the Huskies about us, they'll very likely serve us as they did the last expedition to Richmond Gulf."

How say you? shall we make a good day of it?" Massan smiled dubiously as he presented his thick shoulder as a support to Mrs Stanley, while she stepped into her place. He remembered the conversation of the previous evening, and determined that, whatever should happen, he at least would not cast the shadow of a doubt on their prospects.

"Jump into my arms, Miss Edith," said Francois, as he stood in the water beside the canoe. "Steady, boy; mind the gum," cried Massan, as Oolibuck strained the canoe roughly in shouldering a package. "Look out ashore, there," cried Dick Prince, throwing the tent poles on the beach as he spoke.

Another discovery of a more satisfactory kind was made namely, the tracks of deer, which were so fresh as to induce Frank to take his rifle and mount the ravine in search of the animals, accompanied by Massan, whose natural temperament was exceedingly prone to enjoy the excitement of the chase.

"That will we, lad," said Bryan, shouldering a spade and proceeding towards the chimney of the hall; while the rest of the party, breaking up into several groups, set to work, with spades, shovels, and such implements as were suitable, to cut passages through the square of the fort towards the doors of the several buildings. As Massan had said, it proved to be no light work.