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The good surgeon was regular in his attendance, and in a short time all the wounds filled up, and began to heal; a few days after she performed the ablution of cure. I ordered elegant carpets to be spread for that fair one , and caused her to sit upon the masnad.

To an inferior or dependant, the master of the house gives the corner of the masnad to sit on; to an equal or intimate friend, he gives part of the large pillow to lean on; to a superior, he abandons the whole pillow, and betakes himself to the corner of the masnad. A kind of palki or sedan, for the conveyance of the women of people of rank in India. A sign of afflicting surprise.

Masnad means literally a sort of counterpane, made of silk, cloth, or brocade, which is spread on the carpet, where the master of the house sits and receives company; it has a large pillow behind to lean the back against, and generally two small ones on each side. It also, metaphorically, implies the seat on which kings, nawwabs, and governors sit the day they are invested with their royalty, &c.

That young man proceeded towards the royal garden, and when we entered it, I perceived a marble platform of eight sides, in an open space of the garden, on which was spread an awning of silver tissue with pearl fringe, and erected on poles set with diamonds; a rich brocade masnad, with pillows, was spread under the awning.

1763. In the meanwhile the unscrupulous heroes who were founding the British Government of India had thought proper to quarrel with their new instrument Mir Kasim, whom they had so lately raised to the Masnad of Bengal. This change in their councils had been caused by an insubordinate letter addressed to the Court of Directors by Clive's party, which had led to their dismissal from employ.

What do I see but the young man sitting alone on a masnad, with the tools of a goldsmith lying before him; and he had just finished a branch of emeralds. The young man rose up, and having fastened the chains of all the apartments, he went towards the corner of the garden, and began to beat the bull he usually rode.

All these delightful scenes without her were so many thorns in my eyes. At last God made her heart favourable to me. After strolling for a few minutes about the garden, she sat down in the alcove on a richly-embroidered masnad. I ran, and like the moth that flutters around the candle, offered my life as a sacrifice to her, and like a slave stood before her with folded arms.

They all pointed to me; the eunuch came to my place; I rose up to receive him with respect, and we saluted each other; I seated him on the masnad, and offered him the pillow; after which I asked him to tell me what was the occasion which afforded me the honour of his visit; he replied, 'The princess has heard that some merchants are arrived, and have brought much merchandise, for which reason she has desired me to bring them to her presence; so come, and take along with you whatever merchandise may be fit for the courts of kings, and gain the happiness of kissing her threshold.

A hour after, the princess came slowly, attended by one female servant only, and sat down on the masnad; it was through my happy destinies that I lived to see this day! I kissed her feet; she lifted up my head, and embraced me, and said, "Conceive this opportunity as fortunate; mind my advice; take me from hence, and go to some other country." I replied, "Come along."

The common mode to present large sums in specie to princely visitors, is to form a platform with the money, spread the masnad on it, and place the visitor on the rich seat. Mr. Smith states that he had himself seen Asafu-d-Daula, the then Nawwab of Lucknow, receive a lack of rupees in this way from Almas, one of his eunuchs.