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Terry put in practice his pet conviction that a woman loves to be mastered, and by sheer brute force, in all the pride and passion of his intense masculinity, he tried to master this woman. It did not work. I got a pretty clear account of it later from Ellador, but what we heard at the time was the noise of a tremendous struggle, and Alima calling to Moadine.

All right!" he said to himself, when she had gone, pulling together his self-esteem, his self-pity, and his masculinity. "You'll regret this. You see if you don't. As to leaving the house, we shall see who'll leave the house. Wait till I'm on my legs again. If there is to be a scandal, there shall be a scandal."

You must know that, madam." "The rent clause is the only clause which the law backs up, is it? We have no redress against your getting us here under false pretences?" They looked at each other uneasily. Then their masculinity asserted itself. What? To be thus browbeaten by a woman? They looked commiseratingly at the Angel for being saddled with such a wife. They stood up to go.

Unless the story has one of these "interests" in it, there is no story so holds the editor; the dictum being, put plainly, "life has no interests except conflict and love!" It is surely something more than a coincidence that these are the two essential features of masculinity Desire and Combat Love and War.

"There must be," he says, "some gross change in those parts of the endocritic system, especially apart from the genital glands, which normally produce masculinity potentiality that appears to be concentrated in the suprarenals, the pituitary and probably in the pineal." What, then, do we mean by "male" and "female" in man? Yet an operation proved that the sex glands themselves were male.

She drew breath sharply. Startling hot tears came into her eyes; and she stepped forward on her left foot. "Please!" she entreated, "please don't let them come!" There was a silence. In the agonizing silence she felt acutely her girlishness, her helplessness, her unreason, confronted by his strong and shrewd masculinity. At the bottom of her soul she knew how wrong she was.

Here is to be studied the whole gamut of basic masculinity, from the initial instinct of combat, through every form of glorious ostentation, with the loudest possible accompaniment of noise. Primitive warfare had for its climax the possession of the primitive prize, the female.

"Helene !" he murmured; and his outstretched hands, which trembled, groped toward her. "Let us have no misunderstanding," she protested, more composedly; "you have my answer." De Soyecourt did not, at mildest, lead an immaculate life. But by the passion that now possessed him the tiny man seemed purified and transfigured beyond masculinity.

Raging jealousy seized him at the sight. Helen had not been near him, had scarcely spoken to him since his arrival. He forgot that he had not been near nor spoken to her. He danced twice or thrice more with acquaintances, "summer" or permanent, and then decided to go home. Madeline Fosdick he saw at the other end of the room surrounded by a group of young masculinity.

That best known form of art which to my mind needs no qualifying description painting is also a wide field; and cannot be done full justice to within these limits. The effect upon it of too much masculinity is not so much in choice of subject as in method and spirit.