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Jam pueris pellem succinctus et aenophorum aptas; Ocyus ad Navem. Nil obstat quin trabe vasta AEgaeum rapias, nisi solers Luxuria ante Seductum moneat; quo deinde, insane ruis? Quo? Quid tibi vis? Calido sub pectore mascula bilis Intumuit, quam non extinxerit urna cicutae? Tun' mare transilias? Tibi torta cannabe fulto Coena sit in transtro?

The only question is, whom you will get to put into them." "True," said the squire, with much gravity. "Yes, there it is!" said the parson, mournfully. "If you would but learn 'non quieta movere'!" "Don't spout your Latin at me, Parson," cried the squire, angrily; "I can give you as good as you bring, any day. "'Propria quae maribus tribuuntur mascula dicas.

Our authority for the above details the Dictionary of English Plant-names, by James Britten and Robert Holland tells us that Orchis mascula, the 'male orchis', is also called Cowslip, Crowsfoot, Ragwort, and Cuckoo-flower. This plant, however, seems to have suggested to the rustic mind the most varied fancies, similitudes of all kinds from 'Aaron's beard' to 'kettle-pad'.

Darwin thus foretold the precise manner of the cross-fertilization of Habenaria mascula, and also the insect agent, simply by the structural prophecy of the flower itself. Suppose, for example, an unknown orchid blossom to be placed in our hands. Its nectary tube is five inches in length, and as slender as a knitting-needle. The nectar is secreted far within its lip.

The Orchis mascula grew in the brook corner, and in early spring sent up a tall spike of purple flowers. This plant stood alone in an angle of the brook and a hedge, within sound of water ceaselessly falling over a dam.