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"But how did you know about it?" she said, her surprise growing, for she saw he was moved. "You're gettin' too darned quick." He pushed the book in among the dishes roughly, his irritation obvious. "Ain't it possible I might have heard it? Might have met a feller that come up from Marysville who'd seen It and told me?" "Yes, of course it is. You needn't get mad about it."

When you telegraphed you'd meet us HERE there was no chance to get anything else. It's really Mrs. Van Loo's family suite; but they were sent for to go to Marysville yesterday, and so we'll run you in for the night." "But" protested Demorest. "Nonsense!" said Stacy, dragging him away.

"Enough of this Duffy and his intrusion in my affairs until I'm able to settle my account with him. Come," he added brusquely, "if we are going to cut out of this at once I've got much to do. Come here again to-morrow, early. This Duffy does he live here?" "No. In Marysville." "Good! Come early to-morrow."

The first town I passed through was a newly discovered mining town called French Corral. Here I found an old Wisconsin friend Wm. Sublet, the foster father of the accomplishen wife of Mayor S.W. Boring of San Jose. From here I went to Marysville.

"We were saying Luke Tweezy made a good many." "Something like that, yeah. You run across any of Luke's mistakes yet, Racey?" Racey shook his head. "No." "Did you go to Marysville?" "Why for Marysville?" "Luke Tweezy lives in Marysville." "And you think there's somebody in Marysville would talk?" Judge Dolan looked pained. "I didn't say so," he was quick to remark. "I know you didn't, but "

As you travel from Marysville, either northward or southward, you will see before and around you a great wide plain, bounded on the west by the blue outlines of the Coast Range, and on the east by the foot-hills of the Sierra: a great level, over which as far as your eye can reach are scattered groves of grand and picturesque white oaks, which relieve the solitude of the plain, and make it resemble a well-planted park.

It was early rumored that a heavy operator, a guest of the hotel, who was also a director in the telegraph company, had bought up the wires for his sole use, that the dispatches were doctored in his interests as a "bear," and there was wild talk of lynching by the indignant mob. Passengers from Sacramento, San Francisco, and Marysville brought incredible news and the wildest sensations.

"They might prove interesting reading, that's a fact," drawled Racey. "Now I ain't suggestin' anything," pursued Judge Dolan. "I couldn't on account of my oath. But it ain't so Gawd-awful far from Farewell to Marysville." "It ain't too far." "I got a notion Luke Tweezy will find important business to keep him here in Farewell the next four or five days."

The promised snowstorm materialized, and shortly became a young blizzard, and obliged to dismount and camp in the open prairie, they made a miserable night of it. But it had an end, as all things have, and with the morning they resumed the trail, reaching Marysville, on the Big Blue, after many trials and privations.

The drably ancient and moth-eaten story with which every unsuccessful gambler seeks to establish an alibi. "Whose wheel was it?" said Racey. "Lacey's at Marysville." "In the back room of the Sweet Dreams, huh? An' there's nothing crooked about Lacey's wheel, either. It's as square as Lacey himself." "Lacey's wasn't the only wheel. They was McFluke's, too." So McFluke had a wheel, had he?