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He hopped to another ledge with the agility of a goat, and Holman groaned. Maru noticed the retreat, and quickened his movements. Dropping cautiously from ledge to ledge he crept upon the other with the swiftness of a leopard creeping upon its prey. One Eye's deafness left him at the mercy of the shadow in his rear.

He knows where Leith is hiding, and if we could get hold of him it would be clear sailing." Maru borrowed Kaipi's knife, nodded confidently as we adjured him to use caution, and then slipped back along the track so that he could climb to the level of the one-eyed person's perch before attempting to creep upon him. We sat down to await developments.

The chief listened throughout the message with his eyes empty of us, conjuring a vision of the Rui who so far back had won his heart; and when Choti had concluded, Ori-a-Ori lifted his glass, and said, "Rui e Maru!" coupling me in his affection with the dim figure of his sweet guest of the late eighties. The last toast was to my return.

"Gee! we could tickle him with Kaipi's old knife blade till he ran us right into the haunt." "He's deaf," I said; "there's a good chance of roping him in if we could scale the cliff." "Me climb!" said Maru. "Him not hear. Me climb all alonga track, drop down, breakem him neck." "No, don't break his neck!" growled Holman. "We want him as a guide. Do you understand?

But she is a local celebrity all right, and her stay in prison had evidently added to her interest and prestige. April 28, on the Kumano Maru. En Route to China. The lecture yesterday was a success, going off rather better than the others. It was in a school hall and they are always beautiful rooms.

I don't know," Susan said in great confusion. "You'll probably see Lydia Lord there," pursued Mrs. Lancaster, presently. "She's seeing Mrs. Lawrence's cousins off." "On the Nippon Maru?" Susan asked nervously. "How you do remember names, Sue! Yes, Lydia's going down." "I'd go with you, Sue, if it wasn't for those turkeys to stuff," said Mary Lou. "I do love a big ship!" "Oh, I wish you could!"

Immediately after the agreement was signed, three magnificent fishing boats, the "Minatu Maru," the "Minowa Maru" and the "Saro Maru," which had been hovering out on the Pacific while the negotiations were going on, appeared in Guaymas. Their captains reported to the Nippon Suisan Kaisha, a fishing company with headquarters in Guaymas.

When I went on deck again, the dawn was just brightening the eastern sky, and I then noticed that we seemed to have more than our proper complement of men aboard. Inquiring the reason, I learned that the Kasanumi had picked up the crew of the Fukui Maru, poor Hirose's ship; and they furnished me with the particulars of the gallant fellow's heroic death.

In April, 1937, the "Taiyo Maru," flying the American flag but manned by Japanese, hauled up her anchor in the dead of night and with all lights out chugged from the unrestricted waters into the area where the mines are generally believed to be laid.

Mr Banks took great pains to write down some of them which were made upon our arrival, as nearly as he could express their sounds by combinations of our letters; but when we read them, not having their accent, we could scarcely make them either metre or rhyme. The reader will easily perceive that they are of very different structure. Tede pahai de parow-a Ha maru no mina.